Here's how to keep your body summer cool in this heat
Chef Ashish Massey at The Ancient Barbeque, and chef Sonu Negi share their expert advice on how to keep your body cool in summer.

Heat wave is on its all time high. And so it comes even more important to protect ourselves from the scorching heat of sun. It not only damages our skin and hair, but also affects our health greatly. Too much exposure to heat can increase the chances of life threatening stroke. So, this summer, prep up your body to beat the heat. Stock up onion, lemon and eggs in your kitchen. They can help a great deal to keep your body cool naturally, according to experts. Chef Ashish Massey at The Ancient Barbeque, and chef Sonu Negi share their expert advice on how to keep your body cool in summer.
Keep your body hydrated
Drink lots of water and try to have a glass of water half an hour before every meal. This helps in proper digestion of food.
Have fruits in morning
Munch on fruits in the morning but make sure that you avoid fruits in the night. The natural sugar in fruits keep you energetic and makes it difficult to fall asleep.
Add lemon to your meal
The unbearable heat of summer makes our body lose a lot of essential vitamins and make our skin dry and lifeless. Make sure that you include rich quantities of lemon in your diet. The Vitamin C in lemon helps keep your digestive system and skin healthy.
Onions have amazing cooling properties
Onions might give you a bad breath, but they are really helpful in keeping your gut healthy. Add onion to your curries, dips, raitas, salads and chutneys to keep your gut cool. Red onions are very rich in quercetin which keeps allergies at bay. It also protects you from sunstroke.
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Munch on mint
Mint is easily available in summer and cost a penny. Add crushed mint leaves to your lemon juice, raita and chutney. You can also grow mint in a small pot in your home. It brings out your body temperature to safe levels.
Eat two boiled eggs daily
This might sound a bit strange to you. But eating eggs in summer is actually healthy. It is the most readily available form of protein. It is rich in carbohydrates and is digested easily.