Fed up with your dull skin? Here’s why aloe vera gel is a blessing in disguise
The antibacterial properties of aloe vera gel are highly effective in treating acne and reducing the redness caused by it.
Aloe Vera has been used for beauty and health purpose since ancient times. In Egypt 6000 years ago – “the juice of Aloe Vera was considered as the sacred plant which had the secrets of health, beauty, and immortality”.
Aloe vera is considered to be the best fit as a houseplant and has various benefits and uses. However, growing a plant and taking care of that is not an easy task. So, instead of having an aloe vera plant, grab an aloe vera gel. There are ample amount of aloe vera gel products available in the Indian market.
Pimples seem to be the most common skin disease amongst many, especially within the young folks. It most often affects the face, back, chest, and shoulders. This is because there are many sebaceous glands in these areas of skin. Interestingly, the health benefits of aloe vera extend its reach in curbing this skin disease.
The antibacterial properties of aloe vera gel are highly effective in treating acne and reducing the redness caused by it. It prevents bacteria from infecting acne wounds and accelerates the process of healing. Its antifungal properties are useful in treating inflammation like boils and cysts on the skin.
When we talk about Aloe vera gels, the first product that comes to out head is the Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel. There are several uses of Patanjali aloe vera gel for skin and hair. Due to its 100% pure aloe vera extract, it has become a common household item in India.
Patanjali aloe vera gel has an 18-month shelf life. Call it a beauty obsession or skin love, this product is ‘purity’ for your skin which you desperately need in the maddening dust, and pollution that we face.
From treating dark spots and dark circles, doubling up in being a good moisturiser, helping in getting rid of skin infections to reducing skin tanning and hyper-pigmentation, this product suits all skin types. What do you want more?
If you see your skin going haywire, go the Patanjali aloe vera gel way!