Babies born from artificial reproduction techniques like IVF are as smart as the ones born in natural way
The first ever child who was born by the IVF technique was Lousie Brown in England.

Babies who are born from artificial methods of fertilisation like In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) have the same cognitive skills as the babies who are born naturally. A study revealed the fact on Tuesday, shunning the earlier theories which suggested that babies conceived by artificial conception methods are less intelligent than the normal ones.
The study was carried out by city-based Indira IVF. It also observes that in many cases, baby conceived through IVF techniques are more intelligent and smart. Earlier techniques of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and IVF involved higher risk of premature births and higher twin rates.
"However, due to the advancement in technology such defects have reduced to a great extent," said the study.
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"Over time, the technology has improved significantly and even multiple pregnancies have reduced drastically. Multiple pregnancies can at times carry associated risks like premature delivery and thus low birth weight leading to further developmental problems. But, with advanced techniques, now chances of singletons are more thus, a child gets better nutrition and is born with healthier birth weight," said Sagarika Aggarwal, an IVF expert with Indira IVF Hospital, and part of the study conducting team.
The study also concluded that due to progression of IVF technology, a wide range of infertility problems have been solved. "In the study it has been clearly found that in early years the IVF-conceived children actually scored higher on the tests."
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According to the study, IVF is also more suitable for young women who have infertility problems as the quality of eggs are better at younger age and it ensure a healthy child than an older woman.
The first ever child who was born by the IVF technique was Lousie Brown in England. It was nearly 40 years ago. After that, estimated 5 million children have seen the world with the help of IVF and other ART procedures.
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