Exclusive Yoga Day 2019 Special: Swami Ramdev on benefits of Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati Pranayama
Ahead of International Yoga Day 2019, Swami Ramdev stressed on the importance of practising Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati Pranayama daily in an exclusive interview with India TV.

Anulom Vilom and Kapal Bhati pranayama are really very helpful for our health. They are very effective for body purification. Anulom Vilom is an excellent breathing technique to calm and center the mind while improving blood circulation. Kapalbhati Pranayam aids in purification of nadis that increases and enhances the vitality of life-force and rejuvenates Kundalini Shakti in the body. It also improves the function of the lungs and other respiratory systems and also improves the function of the pancreas which helps produce insulin hormone naturally and cures diabetes
Ahead of International Yoga Day 2019, Swami Ramdev stressed on the importance of practising Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati Pranayama daily in an exclusive interview with India TV. Watch the video below.