News Lifestyle Food Remedy for Uric Acid: Try THIS green chutney to remove purines accumulated in the body

Remedy for Uric Acid: Try THIS green chutney to remove purines accumulated in the body

Uric acid patients can reduce purine levels by including some vegetables and chutney in their diet. Patients with high uric acid should consume this chutney to get relief from pain and discomfort. It will be effective in reducing uric acid.

Try THIS green chutney to control uric acid levels Image Source : SOCIALTry this green chutney to control uric acid levels.

Nowadays, due to lifestyle and other factors, the problem of uric acid has become very common. Due to high uric acid, the problem of joint pain increases a lot. Earlier this problem used to occur with increasing age, but now the problem of uric acid has started troubling the youth as well. A patient with uric acid needs to make some changes in his food and drink. Such things should be included in the diet, which will remove the purine. Uric acid patients must include this coriander chutney in their food. By consuming this chutney, the purine accumulated in the body will be removed.  

Ways to reduce uric acid

There are many herbs mentioned in Ayurveda that reduce uric acid in the body. Many spices help in removing these waste products accumulated in the body. You can use these things in the form of chutney. 

Chutney is effective in reducing uric acid

  • To make this chutney, take green coriander and mint leaves and clean them. 
  • Now put these leaves in the mixer and add 3-4 cloves of garlic along with it. 
  • Add some ginger, lemon juice, cumin seeds and rock salt as per taste to the chutney.
  • Grind all the ingredients finely in a mixer make chutney and keep it aside.

Now eat this chutney both in the morning and evening with meals or with any breakfast. Your uric acid will be controlled in a few days and you will get relief from pain.

Although uric acid is present in everyone's body and gets out of the body with urine. But when the amount of purine starts increasing in the body, it starts accumulating in the joints of the body in the form of crystals. This causes pain and swelling in the joint area. Tenderness increases where these crystals accumulate. Uric pain is most severe in the toes, ankles, heels and joints. The risk of kidney stones increases when uric acid is high.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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