News Lifestyle Food Learn how to make aloe vera vegetable, pickle and barfi from Swami Ramdev

Learn how to make aloe vera vegetable, pickle and barfi from Swami Ramdev

Aloe vera is effective in the treatment of many diseases. If you drink its juice every morning, there are fewer chances of getting ill. But do you know you can also make other savory dishes from it? Know from Swami Ramdev how to make tasty vegetable, pickle, and barfi with aloe vera.

There is no doubt about the fact that aloe vera has great benefits for your body. It is the one-shot treatment for many diseases. If you are the one who drinks aloe vera juice every morning, chances of getting ill become really low.  But not just as juice or for a beauty treatment, the plant of aloe vera can be used to make savory pickles, vegetable as well as sweet barfi. Learn from Swami Ramdev the recipe of these simple dishes and we bet you won't regret later.

Here's how you can make aloe vera pickle:


  • 1 pulpy aloe vera leaf
  • mustard oil
  • Rock or black salt
  • Saunf
  • Ajwain
  • Rai
  • Fenugreek or methi


First of all, wash the leaf with water and keep it a little cut at night so that it turns yellow. After this, cut both sides in the morning. Now cut it into small pieces along with the peel. Now take aloe vera in a large bowl and add rock salt, fennel, celery, mustard seeds, fenugreek and mix it well. After this, keep it in the sun like this. Your pickle will be ready in 3-4 days.

You can cook it in mustard oil if you want. For this, heat oil by putting oil in the pan. After this, add spice mix aloe vera and cook for a while and take it out. After this, keep it in the sun for 3-4 days.


Here's how you can make aloe vera barfi:


Cow's milk
Aloe vera pulp
Sugar (substitute)


First, we will clean the aloe vera and cut both sides. After that, take out the peel and cut it into pieces. Now put milk in a pan and heat it. When the hair comes, add the pulp of aloe vera and mix it well. So that it mixes well in milk. Now cook it on low flame till it becomes thick. If you want to add sugar, add it a few minutes before it thickens. When it becomes thick, turn off the gas and remove it in a plate covered with ghee. After 1-2 hours, cut it into pieces according to your taste. Your aloe vera barfi is ready.

Here's how you can make aloe vera vegetable:


  • Aloe Vera pulp
  • Ghee or oil
  • cumin
  • Coriander powder
  • Some turmeric powder
  • Black Salt
  • Saunf
  • Fenugreek
  • Ajwain


First heat ghee or oil in a pan or pan. After heating, add fenugreek, cumin, fennel, celery and fry it lightly. After this, put aloe vera pulp in it. After 5 minutes add lemon juice to it. This will cause the pieces of aloe vera to vary. Let it cook for 10 minutes. Your aloe vera vegetable is ready.

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