Divya Khosla Kumar walks the ramp for designer duo Shveta & Anuj at FDCI X LFW 2021
The Qalb collection by Shveta & Anuj brought panache back to the bridal couture, breathing life into the world of fashion with their groundbreaking collection: ‘Qalb’
Shaveta and Anuj bring panache back to the bridal couture, The meaning of the word ‘Qalb’ is heart, upholding the brand's unrelenting commitment to feminity. A bride's preening, blushing and mesmerized heart is represented through the sophisticated collection featuring exquisite finishes, luxurious fabrics and intricate zardozi detailing - the embroidery art with recherché gold threads. Breaking with bridal tradition and creating a unique look for a bride who wants contemporary styling in their wedding ensemble. A brides’ heart sets the tone in the Qalb -collection.
The collection features distinct silhouettes and haute couture detailing that is as inimitable as it is exclusive. The contemporary bride is all about feminity and exclusivity. Capturing the opulent elegance and demure of their heart on their very special day, the collection is inspired from the hearts of the brides, set on fulfilling all their dreams in this contemporary setting.
Qalb also stands for transformation. The heart and soul of the weavers and the artisans are entangled into each weave of the ensembles in this collection, representing the purity of their Ruh (soul). The zardozi detailing adds onto the impeccability of the handcrafted garments, transforming a single yarn into an entire bridal ensemble that celebrates the union of love. The entire collection stands for the evolution of love into various forms, the core of which holds a pure heart - Qalb, wherein lies the divine and untouchable soul.
The essence of net and tissue fabrics recreate the starry effect of the feelings in a bride's heart. Whereas, tanchoi silk bring about the effect of edification onto the pieces in this enchanting collection. The meticulously created collection exudes allure with an ethereal touch that represents the heart of every bride on her wedding day. The handcrafted ensembles are the epitome of romance and feminity.