Chaitra Navratri 2022 Day 7: Worship Goddess Kalratri; know significance, puja vidhi and mantra
Goddess Kalratri, as her name suggests means 'kaal' or death while 'ratri' means night. She drives away darkness and negativity and represents herself as a death of Kaal that appeared like a dark night for demons.

Chaitra Navratri which worships the nine incarnations of Goddess Durga, is celebrated by the Hindu devotees of the country. The seventh day of Navratri is celebrated by worshipping Maa Kalratri. The seventh form of goddess Durga is believed to be one of the fiercest forms, who removes kinds of negative energy, demons and ghosts upon her arrival. This manifestation of Goddess Durga also symboliSes purity, divinity, and feminine power. Goddess Kalratri, as her name suggests means 'kaal' or death while 'ratri' means night. She drives away darkness and negativity and represents herself as a death of Kaal that appeared like a dark night for demons.
Speaking about the idol of Goddess Kalratri, she is seen carrying a thunderbolt and a scimitar in her two left hands while the right ones are in the mudras of giving and protecting. Kalaratri has a dark black complexion and rides on a donkey.
Chaitra Navratri 2022: Maa Kalratri Puja Vidhi
In order to worship Maa Kalratri, the puja rituals have to be performed rightly. Before beginning the worship, take flowers/fruit/sweets in your hands and chant the mantras and stotr path while invoking the Goddess. Perform the aarti of Maa Kalratri and end the puja ritual by distributing the sweets among everyone.
Maa Kalratri Stotr Path
Hreem Kaalratri Shri Karali Ch Kleem Kalyani Kalavati
Kaalmata Kalidarpdhni Kamdeesh Kupanivta
Kaambeejjapaanda Kambeejswarupini
Kumatighni Kulinartinashini Kul Kamini
Kleem Hreem Shree Mantravarnen Kalakantakghatini
Kripamayi Kripadhara Kripapara Kripagama.
Maa Kalratri Mantra
Karalvandana Dhoran Muktkeshi Chaturbhurjam
Kalraatri Karalinka Divya Vidyutmala Vibhooshitam
Divya Lauhvraj Vamoghordhaw Karambujam
Abhayan Vardan Chaiv Dakshinodhvagh Panirkaam Mam
Mahamegh Prabhan Shayama Taksha Chaiv Gardbharura
Ghordansh Karalasyan Pinonant Payodharaam
Sukh Pprasan Vadna Smeraan Saroruham
Evam Sachiyanantyet Kalraatri Sarvakaam Samriddhidadam.