A Twist of Fate, a street show with giant puppets, was showcased in India for the first time as part of Bonjour India 2022. During the Twist of Fate’s first performance, the giant sculptures were a sight to see as they danced and walked in the spacious Lodhi Garden. The show has been created by - Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France - a group known for bringing giant sculptures to life.
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
Les Grandes Personnes worked alongside their Indian friends to create a story tailored to the taste of the Indian audiences.
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
Children especially were mesmerized as they saw puppets come to life and tell a story in a way they'd never seen before. The show used the puppets to narrate a love story whose offbeat characters range from children who like to play cricket in the streets, a policeman who’s not quite in his element, a soothsayer that uses tarot cards to predict whom cupid’s arrow will strike, and a handsome young man prophesied to fall in love.
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
Despite this quirky ensemble of characters, the play has an element that danger lurks around the corner: a theme that kept audiences on their toes.
'A Twist of Fate' street show has been created by Les Grandes Personnes from Aubervilliers in France
The event was attended by Ms. Dana Purcarescu, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of France in India.