Super Blood Moon 2021: How biggest total lunar eclipse of the year will look like in India
The Full Moon will be closest to the Earth on 26 May, so it may look larger in the sky, making it a Blood Super Moon eclipse. It can also range from orange or red to brown.
Last month, a Pink Supermoon was seen around the world and in the coming week, the second Supermoon will be visible, this time it will be seen red in colour. Reportedly, this view will be seen on 26 May and will last for about 14 minutes 30 seconds. There will also be a full Lunar eclipse.
What is Blood Super Moon eclipse?
A full lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line. At the time of the eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon. Due to this, the sunlight does not reach the moon and the moon appears dark. However, it does not disappear completely. The effect of the sunlight on the earth's atmosphere makes the moon appear in a different colour. The total lunar eclipses are sometimes called Blood Moons because of the reddish shades the Full Moon takes on when fully eclipsed. The Full Moon will be closest to the Earth on 26 May, so it may look larger in the sky, making it a Blood Super Moon eclipse. It can also range from orange or red to brown.
Where will it be sighted?
It is also called Flower Moon in Britain because flowers start to bloom in the month of May. It will be clearly visible in America. Apart from this, it will also be seen in Australia, western parts of South America and Southeast Asia. First, the moon enters the outer shadow of the earth (penumbra) and when it enters the inner shadow it appears red. In India, this eclipse will be visible only in the penumbra phase.