Happy Daughters' Day 2021: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Images, WhatsApp Status for your princess
Daughters are indeed the biggest blessing in any parents life. Every year on the fourth Sunday of September National Daughters’ Day is celebrated in India. To mark this day special for your princess', here are some lovely wishes, messages, quotes, images, WhatsApp status.

Every year National Daughters’ Day is celebrated in India on September 27. Daughters are indeed the biggest blessing in any parents life. The day is celebrated to cherish their existence and honour the beautiful bond of love that parents share with their darling daughters. It seems like daughters are blessed with superpowers as they have the ability to turn dull, boring days into happy ones with their shining smiles. Also, this day holds special importance in our country as it promotes the idea that having daughters is not taboo. Daughter's Day is also celebrated to spread awareness against female infanticide in India.
The day is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of September. Like other special days, it’s a time for having fun, treats, and shared activities. On this day, parents can engage in a number of activities to make their daughters feel special, like giving gifts, making cards for them, taking them out for dinner. They can also simply wish them heartwarming messages and texts. To mark this day special for your princess', here are some lovely wishes, messages, quotes, images, WhatsApp status.
Happy Daughters' Day 2021 Wishes and Quotes
- If you could see what I see when I look at you, You’d definitely love you, too. Happy Daughters’ Day.
- To my beloved little girl, I did not give you the gift of life, Rather you gave me the gift of you, Happy daughter’s day!
- A son is a son till he gets himself a wife, but a daughter’s a daughter all her life. Happy Daughter’s Day!
- “Be a role model to your daughters. This is the biggest responsibility of the mother and father because they are raising their sweet baby into a reasonable woman. Loads and loads of love to our apple pie.”
- Dear Daughter, Your love has never fallen short, You are a blessing from above, You are my beautiful treasure to love. Happy Daughter’s Day!
- “Motherhood is pure bliss; little girl child softens their daddy dearest heart and fills the parent’s life with sheer joy. A daughter is always the best friend of mother and father.”
- The best moment of my life was when I held you in my arms for the first time. I am lucky to have a daughter like you! Happy Daughters' Day!
- Sunshines and flowers and seas and tides- you are the centre of it all. I love you and Happy Daughters’ day!
- A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. Thank you for being our joy and hope. Happy Daughters’ Day.
- Daughters are the joy of a mother and father’s heart, beauty and sweetness describe them from the start.
Happy Daughters' Day 2021 Images