News Lifestyle Books & Culture Gandhi Jayanti 2020: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Facebook and WhatsApp Status, Images, Photos

Gandhi Jayanti 2020: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Facebook and WhatsApp Status, Images, Photos

One of the biggest historical figures, Mahatma Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October 1869 Porbandar. Known for his philosophies of non-violence or ahimsa, Bapu's birth anniversary is celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly. On his 151st birth anniversary, we are here with some quotes, images, messages, and status that you could send to your friends to celebrate the man who sacrificed himself for the freedom of our nation.

Gandhi Jayanti 2020: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Facebook and WhatsApp Status, Images, Photos Image Source : FILE IMAGEGandhi Jayanti 2020: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Facebook and WhatsApp Status, Images, Photos

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-- a name that needs no introduction! October 2 holds a special significance as it is the day when our Father of the Nation was born. One of the biggest historical figures, Mahatma Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October 1869 Porbandar. A lawyer by profession, he rose to prominence after the incident that took place at a train in Pietermaritzburg, Africa. Ever since he stood for the rights of Africans and Indians in Africa over a period of his stay of 21 years in South Africa. After he returned to India, his fight for freedom began after the request of Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1915. Known for his philosophies of non-violence or ahimsa, Bapu's birth anniversary is celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly. On his 151st birth anniversary, we are here with some quotes, images, messages, and status that you could send to your friends to celebrate the man who sacrificed himself for the freedom of our nation.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020: Wishes, Messages:

  • "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." Happy Gandhi Jayanti!
  • "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Happy Gandhi Jayanti!
  • Non-violence is not a garment to put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being. Happy Gandhi Jayanti!
  • G = Great A = Amazing N = Nationalist D = Daring H = Honest I = Indian Happy Birthday, Father of the Nation!
  • May the spirit of truth and non-violence be with us this Gandhi Jayanti.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes:

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. 

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Quotes

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Facebook and WhatsApp Status:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Facebook and WhatsApp Status

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Facebook and WhatsApp Status

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Facebook and WhatsApp Status

Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2020 Facebook and WhatsApp Status