News Lifestyle Beauty What causes cracked heels? Know prevention tips and home remedies to get smooth feet

What causes cracked heels? Know prevention tips and home remedies to get smooth feet

Although cracked heels can be painful and unsightly, it is important to remember that they are treatable with proper care and preventive measures. By exfoliating regularly, drinking plenty of water, and using home remedies, you can get silky smooth feet.

cracked heels Image Source : FREEPIKThese are the best home remedies and prevention tips to stay away from cracked heels.

Cracked heels can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable issue that many of us face. If you have ever experienced cracked heels, you know how painful and unsightly they can be. Fortunately, some simple remedies and prevention tips can help you get smooth feet and avoid cracked heels.

What are the causes of cracked heels? 

Looking for the root cause of your cracked heels can help you find the right solution for your needs. One of the most common causes of cracked heels is dry skin, which is often caused by a lack of moisture or exposure to harsh soaps and detergents. Not getting enough water, wearing closed-toe shoes or sandals, standing for long periods, not exfoliating dead skin cells off of your feet, or having poor circulation are all possible causes of cracked heels. Other medical causes include fungal infections, psoriasis, thyroid or kidney diseases, diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies. 

Prevention tips for cracked heels:

Once you have determined the cause of your cracked heels, you can begin taking steps to prevent them from occurring in the future. The most important preventative step is to keep your feet moisturized with a good quality foot lotion or cream. It is best to apply lotion or cream after washing and drying your feet. Make sure to use a separate towel for your feet to avoid spreading bacteria from one area of your body to another. You should also avoid exposing your feet to harsh soaps and detergents, which can strip away the natural protective oils from your skin. 

It is also important to exfoliate the dead skin cells off of your feet regularly with a pumice stone or foot scrubber to prevent cracks from forming. Wearing open-toe sandals or shoes that allow airflow to circulate your feet will help keep them dry and reduce sweat accumulation. Lastly, making sure that you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated will help keep your skin healthy and supple. 

Simple home remedies for cracked heels: 

If you already have cracked heels, there are a few home remedies that can help soothe and heal them. 

  • One popular remedy is to soak your feet in a mixture of warm water and baking soda for 15-20 minutes a day until the cracks begin to heal. You can also add a few drops of essential oil such as peppermint or lavender for extra healing benefits. 
  • Additionally, applying honey directly onto the cracks can help seal in moisture and speed up healing time. 
  • Applying a mixture of Vaseline and lemon juice is also said to be an effective remedy for cracked heels. 

Although cracked heels can be painful and unsightly, it is important to remember that they are treatable with proper care and preventive measures. By keeping your skin moisturized, exfoliating regularly, wearing open-toe shoes when possible, drinking plenty of water, and using home remedies, you can get smooth feet once again and keep them beautiful and healthy.