News Lifestyle Beauty Milk or Curd: What to mix with gram flour for making face pack? Know skin benefits

Milk or Curd: What to mix with gram flour for making face pack? Know skin benefits

If you want to bring a glow to the skin, clear the complexion, or completely clean the dirt from the face, then start using gram flour. You will get all these benefits by applying gram flour mixed with curd or milk.

face pack Image Source : SOCIALWhat to mix with gram flour for making face pack?

In winters, the skin starts getting dry. As soon as the moisture on the face disappears, the glow starts fading. The complexion looks pale due to the accumulation of dead skin. For this, definitely use gram flour. You will get many benefits by washing your face with gram flour. If you mix milk or curd in gram flour, then it becomes even more effective.

Applying gram flour mixed with milk brings back the glow of the face. The accumulated dirt gets removed. On the other hand, applying curd mixed with it reduces skin tanning. However, it is important to know who should apply gram flour mixed with milk on the face and who should apply gram flour mixed with curd on the face.

What should be mixed with gram flour and applied?

Gram flour and milk: People who have dry skin should mix gram flour with milk and apply it on their face. This will keep your skin soft and glowing. For this, mix 2 teaspoons of grain flour with 2 teaspoons of raw milk and make a smooth paste.

Now apply it well to the face. Apply this as a face pack for about 15-20 minutes and then wash the face with plain water. Using this 2-3 times a week will bring a glow to the face. This will also clean the accumulated dirt on the face.

Gram flour and curd: People who have oily skin will benefit from using gram flour mixed with curd. For this, mix 2 teaspoons of gram flour with 2 teaspoons of curd. If you want, you can also add a little lemon juice to it. Now mix all the things and apply it like a face pack. 

This will remove tanning and blemishes and will bring life to the withered skin. Gram flour and curd are also effective in removing dead skin cells. You must use gram flour and curd on your face twice a week.

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