Did you know fenugreek seeds can prevent hair loss? Know the benefits here
Hair problems like dryness, frizz and hair loss are very common and troublesome. Here are 3 fenugreek seeds hair masks to solve these problems.
Let fenugreek seeds take care of all your hair problems. From dryness to frizz and from hair loss and dandruff, fenugreek seeds (methi dana) are magical when it comes to taking care of these problems. Fenugreek seeds are tiny little yellow seeds that are rich in vitamins A, C and K and also have a high content of proteins and folic acid essential for hair. All we have to do is apply these 3 fenugreek hair masks and get healthy tresses.
How to make fenugreek seed hair masks
1. Fenugreek for dry and frizzy hair
Take some fenugreek seed powder (blend the soaked fenugreek seeds or buy from market), add one mashed banana to it and half a teaspoon of honey. Apply this hair mask for 30 minutes before washing your hair with a mild shampoo. Honey, banana and fenugreek will return the lost moisture to your scalp and help fight off dryness and frizziness.
2. Fenugreek for hair loss
Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight, blend in the morning to make a powder out of it, then add one teaspoon of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of hibiscus powder. Mix all ingredients and massage it into the scalp. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with shampoo. Fenugreek will restore blood circulation to hair follicles and reduce hair fall.
3. Fenugreek for long and thick hair
Again, for this mask, blend the fenugreek seeds to make its powder and then add 1 teaspoon each of yogurt, castor oil and aloe vera gel. Each and every one of these ingredients has proven benefits for hair growth and applying this hair mask is bound to fulfill your dream of long tresses.
According to a study published in the ResearchGate, fenugreek interacts in a physiologic way by stimulating blood circulation to hair follicles and steroid saponins are expected to interact with DHT (dihy-drotestosterone) metabolism which is one reason for male and female pattern hair loss.
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