News Lifestyle Beauty Dedicated skincare regime for teenagers to protect and nourish their skin

Dedicated skincare regime for teenagers to protect and nourish their skin

Stress related to examinations, friends circle, personal image or the changing physical self can take a heavy toll on teenage skin which calls for a dedicated regime to protect and nourish it.

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Ever wondered why we have a special name for a certain number of years in our life? That's because this period is truly unique. It is what we call teenage years. While these are some of the best years of life before you hit adulthood, this time is also characterised by loads of stress. The stress could be related to examinations, friends circle, personal image or the changing physical self. All this takes a heavy toll on teenage skin which calls for a dedicated regime to protect and nourish it.

Dr. Gagan Bhatia, founder of Uniqaya said, "Typically, teenage skin can encounter issues such as acne breakouts, excessive oil production, blemishes, whiteheads and blackheads, sunburns or even eczema. Teenage skin becomes sensitive due to changing hormonal structure of the body and thus requires extra attention".

Follow these few steps which to maintain excellent skincare and thus be confident and comfortable in your skin shared by Dr. Gagan:

Gentle Cleansing: It is important to first understand your skin type and use a good cleanser that complements it. You should always use a gentle circular motion while cleansing your skin as rubbing it too harshly would rob your skin of its moisture, leaving it dry and itchy. You should always avoid using soap and go for a mild cleanser instead.

Moisturising Your Skin: You should always apply a moisturiser at least twice a day to maintain the hydration levels of your skin. This is an important step to keep your skin soft and supple. You should invest in a good moisturiser that not only protects your skin but also repairs it from within.

Sunscreen: Sunscreen protects your skin even inside the house and not just when you are out in the sun. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 should be a mandatory part of your skincare routine.

Exfoliation once a week: Hormonal changes usually cause your pores to clog due to excessive oil production. Exfoliation is a game-changer when it comes to unclogging them but one should be mindful not to overuse it. While there are plenty of exfoliators available in the market, there are some excellent homemade scrubs too.

Acne Treatment: Acne is the common teenage enemy. It is always a good idea to check with a skin specialist who can prescribe a chemical composition suitable to your skin type. There are some very famous anti-acne compositions available like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide etc.

Do not sleep with the makeup on: One cannot stress enough how important it is to wash your face before bed. It is a well-known fact how your skin repairs itself at night. Leaving makeup on or sleeping with all the accumulated dirt on your skin may prevent the skin to heal, thus causing more acne breakouts.

Avoid touching your face too often: Be mindful of the fact that every time you touch your face, you are introducing more dirt and bacteria and spreading the oil. This simply means more chances of a breakout. It is also important to never pop your pimples. This increases inflammation and spreads infection on the skin.

Nighttime skincare routine: The skin repairs itself at night. Using the right products on the skin before bed can enhance the healing process. It is important to wash your face, apply a moisturiser, a lip balm and then hit your bed.

Eat a balanced diet: You should add loads of green vegetables to your diet. Consuming fried and oily food will only create more room for problematic skin and aggravate all existing skin troubles. A well-balanced diet is a key to good skin.

Follow a healthy lifestyle: Being responsible for your body as a teenager will not only bless your teens but also pave the way to good adulthood ahead. Your skin is what you eat and how you feel. It reflects your overall health. Following a healthy lifestyle enriched with a good diet, exercise and good sleep will show on your skin and make you glowing and radiant.