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Dark circles; Know causes and how to fix

Identifying the root causes of dark circles can help in taking the necessary steps to get rid of them and achieve a better appearance.

Dark circles Image Source : FREEPIKDark circles; Know causes and how to fix

Dark circles under the eyes can be bothersome for many people as they make you look tired, older, or unwell, even if you're not. There are various cosmetic procedures available to lessen the appearance of dark circles. However it's necessary to know the reason behind them before opting for any treatment.

There are several reasons behind dark circles such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions. Although dark circles aren't usually a serious health problem, they can make you feel self-conscious. By recognizing the causes of dark circles and working to solve them, you can have a fresher and brighter look, which may make you feel more confident.

As we grow older, the skin beneath our eyes becomes thinner, and this causes the veins to become more visible, leading to dark circles. You can enhance collagen synthesis by massaging the area around your eyes and applying argan oil every night. Using a brightening mask once or twice a week under your eyes can also help. Proper sleep is crucial for reducing dark circles and maintaining overall good health. Other factors like staying up late, inadequate sleep, prolonged screen time, rubbing your eyes, and improper eye hygiene can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles.

To get rid of dark circles, it's important to focus on the entire face and neck rather than just the eye area. This is because the muscles in the face are all connected, so improving blood flow in one area can benefit other areas too. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is important for overall health and appearance. 

To get flawless skin and avoid dark circles, follow these simple steps: 

Apply anjeer and aloe vera packs under and over the eyes for fifteen minutes every day after cleansing. Spray serum and apply a good-quality moisturizer. This regimen can cure existing dark circles and prevent them from appearing in the future.


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