News Lifestyle Beauty Are you reapplying sunscreen often enough? 5 mistakes you should avoid

Are you reapplying sunscreen often enough? 5 mistakes you should avoid

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is important and sunscreen plays a crucial role. However, it is important to use it correctly to ensure the maximum possible protection.

sunsceen Image Source : FREEPIKSunscreen mistakes you should avoid

Sunscreen is a vital component of any skincare routine, especially during the summer months when the sun is strongest. However, there are many common mistakes people make when using sunscreen that can actually do more harm than good. Some of the common mistakes people make when using sunscreen include not using enough sunscreen to using an expired product. Here are some of these mistakes people usually make and how to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

1: Not Using Enough Sunscreen

One of the most common mistakes people make when using sunscreen is not using enough. Many people only apply a thin layer, which does not provide enough protection. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you should use about one ounce of sunscreen (enough to fill a shot glass) to cover your entire body.

2: Not Reapplying Sunscreen Often Enough

Another common mistake people make is not reapplying sunscreen often enough. Sunscreen ought to be reapplied at least every two hours, and if you're swimming or perspiring, it should be reapplied even more frequently. This is important because sunscreen can rub off or wear away over time, leaving your skin unprotected.

3: Using an Expired Sunscreen

Using expired sunscreen is another mistake that can lead to sun damage. Sunscreen loses its effectiveness over time, so it is important to check the expiry date before using it. 

4: Not Using a Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

Another mistake people make is not using broad-spectrum sunscreen. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays, which can cause skin cancer and premature ageing. Make sure to choose a sunscreen that is labelled as "broad-spectrum" to ensure you are getting adequate protection.

5: Applying Sunscreen After Sun Exposure

Finally, one of the most common mistakes people make is applying sunscreen after they have already been in the sun. Sunscreen needs time to absorb into the skin, so it should be applied at least 15 minutes before going outside. If you wait until after you have been in the sun, you may have already suffered sun damage.

Is it safe to use sunscreen every day? Yes, it is safe to use sunscreen every day, as long as you are using it correctly and choosing a sunscreen that is appropriate for your skin type.