News Lifestyle Beauty 5 effective tips to achieve clear skin during seasonal changes

5 effective tips to achieve clear skin during seasonal changes

People tend to suffer from several skin issues during seasonal changes. Especially, during season transition people get skin rashes, so to get clearer skin we have shared a few skincare tips in this article.

Effective tips to achieve clear skin during seasonal changes Image Source : FREEPIKEffective tips to achieve clear skin during seasonal changes.

As the seasons change, so do skin needs. Whether dealing with hot and humid weather or cold and dry conditions, our skin often struggles to maintain its balance, leading to dryness, irritation, and breakouts for some. To tackle these challenges, maintaining a good skincare routine is important, but equally crucial is being mindful of diet. Diet and nutrition play a significant role in keeping skin healthy. Focusing on eating clean and avoiding processed or packaged foods can help achieve healthier skin, even during seasonal transitions.

In this article, Skin Expert and Cosmetologist Dr Geetika Mittal shares some of the effective ways to keep your skin clear and vibrant even during seasonal changes. 

Nutrition Matters: Maintaining healthy skin is vital, especially during seasonal shifts. Choosing nutritious options like seasonal fruits, veggies, and almonds can greatly benefit your skin. I often recommend adding a handful of almonds to my clients' diets due to their impressive nutritional value. Almonds don't just support overall well-being; they also enhance skin health, providing a natural, radiant glow. Rich in healthy fats, almonds keep the skin nourished and hydrated. Additionally, their high vitamin E content acts as a potent antioxidant, fighting signs of ageing and helping your skin maintain its youthful vibrance.

Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for your skin and body's health. Drinking water helps maintain skin moisture and overall well-being. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily. You can also include other hydrating options like lemon water and coconut water in your routine. These beverages are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for starting your day with a refreshing drink that promotes healthy skin.

Manage Stress: When stress starts to affect you, your skin is often the first to react, often leading to acne. To keep your skin calm and clear, include relaxing activities in your routine, like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Regular mindfulness meditation can reduce stress levels and lower cortisol production, the stress hormone in your body. Ultimately, this can help you achieve clearer skin.

Leading a Balanced Lifestyle: For radiant skin, paying attention to diet and lifestyle choices is crucial. Avoiding processed foods and refined sugar, prioritising sleep for skin restoration, and consuming fruits and vegetables are recommended. Many have seen remarkable improvements in their skin by adding almonds to their daily diet, as almonds are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats, all of which promote skin health from within.

Tailor Your Cleanser: Maintaining healthy skin requires choosing the right cleanser. For sensitive skin, opting for a gentle, hydrating cleanser with a creamy or lotion-like texture to avoid irritation is advisable. Ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides can help keep the skin moisturized. In hot and humid weather, switch to a foaming or gel-based cleanser to control excess oil production without drying out your skin.

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