Vastu Tips: Remove broken things from house to make new year better. Here's why
Acharya Indu Prakash gives Vastu Tips as to why broken or damaged items in your house should be thrown away before the onset of a new year.

New Year is around the corner. At the beginning of the year, each and every one of us prays for the well being and prosperity of everyone in our house. But sometimes, there are few things that create hindrance in good luck. To help you cope with those, Acharya Indu Prakash is here with the Vastu Shastra tips. With the coming of a new year, new things will definitely make way into your house but you have to make sure that you dump away all the old and broken items that do not get your attention now.
Today in Vastu Shastra, we are telling you about such things, which should be taken out of the house on New Year so that Goddess Lakshmi can come to your home. According to Vastu Shastra, broken or cracked glass kept in the house, broken bed, useless utensils, non-working clock, corrupted idol of God, broken furniture, bad pictures and electronics goods, broken door and closed pen, all these things cause financial loss as well as mental stress to the people of the family.
These type of items hinders the progress of family members and not only this, but it also affects the marital life of husband and wife negatively. By throwing all these things outside the house on New Year, Goddess Lakshmi will visit your house and there will be peace and happiness in the house.
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