Horoscope for Monday Oct 12, 2020: Here's astrology prediction for Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and others
Horoscope October 12, 2020: Learn from Acharya Indu Prakash what stars have in store for your personal, professional, social and love life. Know the astrological predictions based on your zodiac sign here.

The day is going to be great. Whatever measures will come in your mind for business growth will prove to be effective. The work done is going to get full results. It will be beneficial for you to partner. Any major land related issue will be resolved. The day is good for taking new initiatives in the office. There is a possibility of profit. There is going to be some career change. Which will increase respect and respect. New paths of progress will open.
The day will be good for the property dealer. There will be a sudden benefit The economic side will remain strong. Health will be fit. Exercising in the morning will keep your health healthy. Women of this zodiac can get surprise from their spouse. After getting this, your mind will be happy. Lovemates of this zodiac go to some place where you can spend two moments of bliss. You will feel that you have got the satisfaction that you were seeking. There will be peace and peace in the family.
The day is going to be good for you There will be a glimpse of confidence in your work. You will attract others to you with your words. Any stalled work will be completed with the help of loved ones. Students of this zodiac are going to get some good news related to competitive examination. After hearing that your face will blossom. If you agree with the married partner, sweetness will increase in the relationship. Opponent parties will keep distance from you. You will meet some experienced people. Talk to whom you gather useful information.
The day is going to bring happiness. The work done earlier will be completed. You will get a positive result. Keep your patience and move with the times. Keep your emotion under control. You will find new ways to progress. The ability to deal with problems fast will give you special recognition. People of this zodiac will help the spouse in any important work. So that the work will be completed easily. Remove junk kept in the house for several days. This will end the family affliction.
The day will be fine. If the traders of this amount keep their planning secret, then they will surely get success. Your thought works will be completed. Do a thorough investigation before investing in any work. This will keep you from harm. Some negative thoughts will come in your mind. This can increase your mental stress. Playing with children in the evening will reduce mental stress. Today expenses can increase. This will greatly affect your financial condition. Seeing this, everyone at home will criticize you.
Luck will support you The partner can also do something similar. Which will make you happy. There will be some things in the business which will be beneficial in future. Eat fennel health will be fine. It will be beneficial for you to start any new work. New chances of profit will be made. The day is good for engineers of this amount. You are going to get offers for teaching from a college. The economic situation will improve.
Gonna be friendly You will get answers to many complicated questions. Confusion will end. You are going to get a big benefit from some work, as well as incomplete work will be completed. Increase in spending will make saving more difficult. Sister's cooperation in work is going to be more than expected. Spouse can give you a beautiful gift. This will increase sweetness in the relationship. Boss can consider your promotion by seeing your performance in office.
The day will be favorable. If you work wisely, then you will definitely benefit. The day is good for those associated with the banking sector. Chances of getting an opportunity to get promoted. New ideas of earning more money will come in your mind. A friend will get support in difficult situation. Do not trust anyone immediately. Otherwise someone can take advantage of your straightforwardness. The day is about taking sensible steps, so do not express your thoughts until the need arises.
You will have a good day Health may be slightly down, but timely care will benefit. If you are traveling, do not forget to keep all the necessary documents with you. Your hard work will prove fruitful. Your charming and magnetic personality will draw the hearts of all. If you are looking to buy a new house, then the day is auspicious for you. A distant relative can come home to meet you. All stalled work will be completed.
The day will bring new gifts. The day is auspicious for increasing business. It would be better to implement the pre-made plans. The old tension will end. People who are associated with this area will get financial benefits. You should be alert to work. An opponent can try hard to harm your business. Household spending may increase. It may take time to shop. Students will get the support of elder sister in completing the project.
Your mind will be more engaged in spirituality. Someone can be special for your career. Work hard in the right direction so that more work will be done. You can also be awarded fruits that are good. Those of you in service will lose your influence. You will go to the wedding ceremony of this sign. Where we will meet someone who will be happy to meet. Parents' opinion is going to be effective in any new business. Students will be interested in studies.
Your health will be better than before. Couples of this zodiac should quarrel with their spouse over useless things. Look at the bright aspect of the situation and you will find that things are improving. You may get some unexpected money which you have been waiting for a long time. There will be laughter and jokes with friends in college, as well as differences of opinion about something in between. Keep yourself away from wasteful works. Otherwise, more of your time will be spent in wasteful work. You will get mental satisfaction.