Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023 for 1000 vacancies, Apply Online at centralbankofindia.co.in
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023 notification has been released at centralbankofindia.co.in. Apply online for 1000 vacancies before July, 15. Check educational qualification, how to apply, application fee and other details.

Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: The Central Bank of India has released a notification for recruitment to the post of managers in midele management grade scale 2 in mainstream. Interested and eligible candidates can submit applications online on or before July 15, 2023. A toal of 1000 vacancies will be recruited through this recruitment process. The number of vacancies may vary according to the actual requirement of the bank. Candidates can check eligibility, age limit, how to apply and other details below.
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: Category-wise vacancy details
- SC - 150 Posts
- ST - 75 Posts
- OBC - 270 Posts
- EWS - 100 Posts
- GEN - 405 Posts
- Total - 1000 Posts
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: What is the Eligibility Criteria?
Educational Qualification:
Candidate should be a graduate from a recognized University; CAIIB. Candidates should note that the preference shall be given to the candidate who possesses any other higher qualification.
Experience - minimum 3 years for officer in PSB/Private Sector Banks /RRB or 6 years for the candidate who worked as Clerk in PSB/Private Sector Bank/RRB and with MBA/MCA/Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management /Treasury Management/ Forex/ Trade Finance/ CA/ICWA/CMA/CFA/PGDM/ Diploma from Indian Institute of Banking & Finance.
Age Limit - maximum 32 years (There will be age relaxation for the candidates belonging to the reserved category as per government norms)
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: Selection Criteria
Selection of the candidate will be through online written test and personal interview.
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: How to apply?
Candidates can submit applications online from July 1, 2023 to July 15, 2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Central Bank of India Manager Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
SC/ST/Women - Rs. 175/- + GST
Others - Rs. 850/- + GST