BPSC 69th CCE Mains result out, over 1,000 candidates qualify | Here's direct link
BPSC 69th CCE Mains result: The results for the BPSC 69th Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) Mains have been officially declared. Candidates who appeared for the exam can now check their results on the official BPSC website.

BPSC 69th CCE Mains result: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has announced the results of the 69th Combined Competitive Main Examination (CCE). The results are available in PDF format on the official BPSC website. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results by visiting the official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in, using their roll numbers to find their results in the list.
Over 1000 candidates qualify
The Commission said that 3,444 candidates appeared in the 69th CCE Main Examination, out of which 1,005 have successfully passed. The commission has published the roll numbers of these candidates.
Additionally, 913 candidates appeared for the examination for the Finance Administrative Officer and equivalent posts, with 262 candidates passing. Among these, 262 candidates are eligible for the Finance Administrative Officer interview, 27 for the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) interview, and 1 candidate for the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) interview.
To check the BPSC 69th CCE Mains result, follow these steps:
- Go to the BPSC's official website at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
- On the homepage, click on the "Result" link.
- Look for and click on the "69th Combined Preliminary Competitive Examination Result" link.
- The result PDF will appear on your screen.
- Press "CTRL + F" to open the search function, then enter your roll number to find it in the list.
- If your roll number is listed, it means you have qualified for the exam.
- Download the BPSC 69th result PDF and save it for future reference.
When will the interview be held?
The interviews for the 69th CCE exam are scheduled to take place in mid-September. This stage is particularly crucial for civil service aspirants, as the interview carries a significant weightage of 120 marks.
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