UPSC CAPF exam 2021 dates announced, check schedule
As per the schedule, CAPF will be held on August 8, candidates can download the hall ticket on the official website-

UPSC CAPF exam 2021: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the dates for Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination-2021. As per the schedule, CAPF will be held on August 8, candidates can download the hall ticket on the official website-
According to UPSC, "The candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Card at the allotted Venue for appearing at the Examination. The candidates are also required to carry along the Photo ID Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card, for appearing at each Session of the Examination."
UPSC CAPF exam 2021: How to download hall ticket
- Visit the website-
- Click on 'CAPF admit card' link
- Enter log-in credentials- registration number, roll number
- Hall ticket will appear on the screen
- Download, take a print out for further reference.
The candidates who will appear in the exam has to mandatory follow Covid-19 guidelines. ""Candidates without mask/face cover will not be allowed entry into the Venue. Further, candidates are allowed to bring their own hand sanitizer in transparent bottles," the notification mentioned.
For updates on UPSC CAPF exam, please visit the website-
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