Yoga tips to get rid of migraine: Swami Ramdev suggests Anulom Vilom, Jal Neti Kriya and ayurvedic medicines
Yog Guru Swami Ramdev, in an exclusive interaction with India TV, has suggested effective yoga poses and ayurvedic medicines that can help cure migraine in the most natural and rapid manner. Specific yoga poses can help target some of the underlying causes of your headaches, like stress and tightness, according to Swami Ramdev.
Yoga tips to get rid of migraine: Have you been experiencing acute headache? Are you looking to get rid of migraine once and for all? Then, it is highly advisable that you opt for yoga and ayurveda. Yog Guru Swami Ramdev, in an exclusive interaction with India TV, has suggested effective yoga poses and ayurvedic medicines that can help cure migraine in the most natural and rapid manner. Specific yoga poses can help target some of the underlying causes of your headaches, like stress and tightness, according to Swami Ramdev,
Effective yoga poses for migraine
Anulom Vilom- This pranayama is the most efefctive for migraine, says Swami Ramdev, It also relieves stress. Do this asana for at least 15 minutes daily.
Bhramari- By doing this asana, one can achieve peace of mind thus, keeping headaches and migraines at bay.
Surya Namaskar- Everyone should do Surya Namaskar as it helps in keeps the body energized.
Bhastrika- Breathe in fast and release. Performing this asana, keeps the mind and mind calm.
Kapalbhati- Helps to keep the digestive system clean and intact thus eliminating all kinds of stress.
Bhramari- Sit comfortably and allow your eyes to close. Take a breath or two to settle in and notice the state of your mind. When you’re ready, inhale and then, for the entire length of your exhalation, make a low- to medium-pitched humming sound in the throat. Notice how the sound waves gently vibrate your tongue, teeth, and sinuses.
Sheetali- First of all, sit down with a straight spine. After this, take out the tongue and breathe. After this, remove the air bar from the right nostril. You can do this pranayama for 5 to 10 minutes daily.