Yoga for Joint Pain| Strengthen your bones with Swami Ramdev's yoga asanas and home remedies
According to Swami Ramdev, regular practice of yoga can help you get relief from back pain, neck pain and joint pain. He suggests yoga asanas, pranayamas and home remedies to help get you rid of all kinds of pain in the body.
In today's busy lifestyle, one hardly gets time to sit and think about oneself. The workaholic nature has made everyone a moving machine with many diseases. By sitting in one place for long hours and not consuming healthy food, people are increasingly suffering from joint pain. Neck, back and knee pain has made many people lack in their work. However, it can be effectively cured by making a small transformation in your lifestyle and practicing yoga daily. According to Swami Ramdev, regular practice of yoga asanas can help you get relief from back pain, neck pain and joint pain. He suggests yoga asanas, pranayamas and home remedies to help get you rid of all kinds of pain in the body.
Strengthen your bones with these Yoga asanas
Ahead of International Yoga Day 2020, Swami Ramdev suggests 21 yoga asanas that are very effective in keeping the body and mind healthy. For joint pain, he says that sukshma vyayamas are very important. It helps relieve knee pain and sharpens the senses. Then, Swami Ramdev suggests doing yoga asanas like chakki asana, sthit konasana, makrasana, bhujangasana, markatasana, setubandh asana and uttanpadasana to treat neck, back and knee pain.
Pranayamas to relieve joint pain
Swami Ramdev says that pranayamas maintain proper blood circulation in the body which helps keep our organs healthy. He suggests starting the day with surya namaskar and then perform pranayamas like kapalbhati, anulom vilom, and bhastrika for effective results. He says that one can do kapalbhati for half an hour to one hour. He also suggests increasing the number of pranayamas every week as your body gets used to it.
Home remedies for joint pain
- One must sit in the sun for about 1 hour to treat vitamin D deficiency
- To treat calcium deficiency, mix flour of chorai, barley, sighanda flour etc. and consume it. Apart from this, take milk, curd, buttermilk and other milk products
- If you are suffering from back pain, grind turmeric, fenugreek, dry ginger and make a powder. After this, soak it at night and consume it in the morning on the second day
- To get rid of joint pain and arthritis, consume aloe vera, giloy and nirgundi
- Drink the decoction of Parijat and aloe vera. This will not let the heat in your body increase
- Vanshlochan is also effective in strengthening bones
- To strengthen bones, use linseed in any way
- Eat sprouts in which you can add fenugreek, peanuts, chickpeas and grains.