News Health World Parkinson's Day 2024: 5 myths and facts related to the degenerative brain condition

World Parkinson's Day 2024: 5 myths and facts related to the degenerative brain condition

There are many misconceptions when it comes to Parkinson’s disease. This article aims to separate facts from fiction and help people clear all their doubts. Remember, timely intervention is key to managing the symptoms of Parkinson's and improving the quality of life of your loved ones.

World Parkinson's Day 2024 Image Source : FREEPIKMyths and facts related to Parkinson's.

Parkinson's disease is an age-associated degenerative brain condition that causes parts of your brain to deteriorate. It is a progressive and debilitating disease and has damaged the brain over the years. The symptoms of it are involuntary shaking of particular parts of the body (tremor), Bradykinesia or slow movement, stiff and inflexible muscles, depression and anxiety, inability to balance,  balance problems (causing falls), sexual problems, urinary issues,  insomnia, and memory problems. According to Dr Jayendra Yadav, Senior Consultant Neurologist, Medicover Hospitals, Navi Mumbai,there is still a low amount of awareness regarding this condition and many people tend to suffer in silence.

Debunking myths related to Parkinson’s disease

Myth #1: Parkinson’s is a progressive condition that is not treatable

Fact: Though this disease doesn’t have a cure, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), medication, and lifestyle changes are some of the options to manage the symptoms of this condition and improve your quality of life. DBS is a breakthrough technology that helps to deal with tremors and makes it possible for people to lead normal lives.

Myth #2: Those with Parkinson’s will show symptoms such as tremors

Fact: The signs and symptoms among patients with Parkinson’s are not only tremors but also loss of balance, tremors, reduced mobility, stooped posture, and uncontrollable movements.

Myth #3:  People who have Parkinson’s are not supposed to exercise

Fact: Exercise plays a pivotal role in dealing with Parkinson’s disease symptoms and tends to improve balance, flexibility, and mobility. However, it is advised to exercise under the guidance of an expert and avoid doing rigorous activities.

Myth #4: Parkinson’s disease happens owing to head injuries

Fact: While head injuries are known to increase the chances of Parkinson’s disease, they are not a direct cause. Genetics and environmental factors invite Parkinson’s disease.

Myth #5: Parkinson’s disease is hereditary

Fact:  While some genetic factors lead to Parkinson’s disease, most cases are not inherited. Parkinson’s disease risk factors include a family history, but not in all cases, and happens due to environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals and genetics.