News Health World Osteoporosis Day 2024: Habits that are damaging bone health in youth

World Osteoporosis Day 2024: Habits that are damaging bone health in youth

Knowingly or unknowingly, some habits in our day-to-day lives destroy our bone health. Let's know how about them here.

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World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated every year on October 20. For the unversed, Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle and new bone creation doesn't keep up with old bone removal. This condition can happen for several reasons. Due to a bad lifestyle and following an unhealthy diet plan, your bone health can be damaged to a great extent. Due to such habits, you may have to face the problem of joint pain in your youth itself. Therefore, if you also follow these habits in your daily life, you can improve your bone health. 

No exercise at all

If you have a sitting job, that is, you sit in the same posture for a long time, then the strength of your bones can decrease. Apart from this, not doing exercise throughout the day can also have a bad effect on your bone health. At the same time, due to lack of sunlight i.e. lack of vitamin D in the body, the health of your bones can also become weak.

Give up these habits

Bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking can make you a victim of bone diseases. You should give up such habits immediately. The habit of taking stress on every small thing can also prove to be dangerous for your bone health. To get rid of stress, you can take the help of yoga and meditation. The habit of consuming too much caffeine can also prove to be harmful to your bone health.

What should be the diet?

To keep your bone health strong, you should try to follow a healthy and balanced diet plan. Apart from this, the habit of skipping breakfast in a hurry can weaken your bone health. Make sure to include calcium-rich food items in your diet plan. Calcium can improve your bone health to a great extent.

(This article is for general information, consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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