News Health World No Tobacco Day 2024: Do you want to quit smoking? 5 things to do when you get cravings

World No Tobacco Day 2024: Do you want to quit smoking? 5 things to do when you get cravings

It is not easy to quit cigarettes or tobacco addiction. After knowing so many disadvantages, people try many times, but after a few days, they start again. For this, you must set a goal and find the right reason to quit smoking. Control yourself like this when you have cravings.

World No Tobacco Day 2024 Image Source : FREEPIKThings to do when you want to quit smoking.

Smoking can prove fatal for you. Every year the World Health Organization makes people aware of the harm caused by tobacco and its drugs on World No Tobacco Day. Most of the people who consume cigarettes and tobacco know its harm. Despite this, people are unable to give up their addiction to smoking. Every year millions of people die worldwide due to cigarette and tobacco consumption. The major reason for this is cancer, TB and many deadly diseases. Tobacco and cigarettes increase the risk of lung, colorectal, breast, throat, cervix, bladder, mouth and oesophagus cancer. If you want to quit smoking, then make some changes in your lifestyle and consume these things when you have cravings. You can easily get rid of cigarette and tobacco addiction.

What to do if you want to quit the habit of smoking cigarettes?

Motivate yourself- To quit any habit of addiction like cigarette, tobacco or alcohol, first make yourself strong. You can do this easily if you want. You can consult a doctor. Talk to someone at home who supports you. Do not give up, keep trying again and again.

Drink coffee- Smoking is addictive. When you don't get it, you feel empty and irritable. So when you quit smoking, drink coffee when you have cravings. You will feel energetic by consuming caffeine through black coffee. Avoid drinking alcohol during this time as it can trigger your cravings.

Exercise- Exercise to keep yourself fit. This produces happy hormones in the body and reduces your stress. Do a workout for 1 hour a day. This will move you towards health and healthy things. Workout increases the dopamine hormone in the body which will help you get rid of the habit of cigarettes and tobacco. 

Eat these things when you have cravings-  If you are quitting cigarette tobacco and suddenly have cravings, then you should drink 1 glass of very cold water. You can chew cardamom. People who eat tobacco can eat a mouth freshener. Apart from this, celery, cloves, black pepper, acacia bark and peppermint also calm the cravings.

Mouth fresheners to get rid of addiction- When you quit smoking, eat things like cloves, fennel, cardamom, liquorice, and cinnamon. This will make it easier for you to quit smoking and tobacco. If you have a strong urge, you can use nicotine replacement gum, lozenges, or patches.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy.)

ALSO READ: World No Tobacco Day : 11 things that happen to your body when you quit smoking cigarettes