World Cancer Day 2024: Understanding the difference between colon and rectal cancer
World Cancer Day spotlights understanding colon vs. rectal cancer. Learn key distinctions in location, symptoms, and risk factors to empower early detection and better health.
As today on February 4th, 2024, we celebrate World Cancer Day, we need to understand that every person, and every cancer, is unique. This holds true even within the large bowel, where colon and rectal cancers differ significantly. Dr Ashish Gupta, Chief of Medical Oncology, Unique Hospital Cancer Centre, emphasises understanding these distinctions, as they can drastically impact treatment options. Join us on this World Cancer Day journey, demystifying the differences and empowering you with knowledge.
Affected area
Colon Cancer: Occurs in the colon, which is the longer part of the large intestine.
Rectal Cancer: Develops in the rectum, the last several inches of the large intestine leading to the anus.
Colon Cancer: Often presents with changes in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal discomfort, and unexplained weight loss.
Rectal Cancer: Common symptoms include rectal bleeding, a sensation of incomplete bowel movement, and changes in stool consistency.
Both cancers are diagnosed using similar methods, including colonoscopies and imaging tests like CT scans, MRIs, and PET/CTs. However, their exact location can influence the type of diagnostic procedures used.
This will depend on the stage of the cancer
Colon Cancer: Treatment may involve surgery to remove the affected part of the colon, possibly followed by chemotherapy.
Rectal Cancer: Often requires a multidisciplinary approach, including combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
Understanding these differences is vital for effective treatment and patient education. Regular screenings, especially for those over 45 or even earlier with a family history, are key in early detection and successful treatment outcomes. Early recognition of symptoms is also very important.