What is Aqua Yoga? Swami Ramdev shares benefits of performing yoga asanas in water
According to Swami Ramdev, by doing aqua yoga, the body becomes flexible and the pain disappears. Doing yoga in water gives double benefit as it calms and mind and strengthens the nervous system.
While performing yoga asanas, exercising and jogging are very important for everyone, it becomes difficult to carry on with these things during the summer season. Everyone just wants to sit in front of the AC all the time as the increasing heat and humidity make it difficult to go any other way. This arises many problems like obesity, depression, joint pain among others. The solution to this problem is aqua yoga. According to Swami Ramdev, you get double benefit by doing aqua yoga as it cools the body and makes it flexible.
According to Swami Ramdev, by doing aqua yoga, the body becomes flexible and the pain disappears. Doing yoga in water gives double benefit as it calms and mind and strengthens the nervous system. It also relieves fatigue and stress. Along with this, it helps get rid of summer problems like heat stroke, dehydration and others.
What is Aqua Yoga?
In aqua yoga, asanas are performed by staying underwater. This puts more pressure on the joints and muscles of the body which gets rid of the pain. Apart from this, the balance on the body becomes good.
Aqua Yoga Asanas
Swami Ramdev claims that doing asanas like vrakshasana, tadasana, and konasana in water helps relieve joint pain. It is also effective if someone is experiencing muscle pull. Other asanas include Garudasana, sheershasana, mandukasana and bhujangasana to stay away from diseases. Doing these aqua yoga asanas, you will be able to improve your breathing pattern and detoxify the body. It also eases anxiety and helps treat insomnia.
Swami Ramdev stresses the importance of deep breathing to calm the nervous system. Aqua yoga helps maintain the balance between the mind and body which is essential to stay away from diseases. Pranayamas ensure proper blood circulation in the body. Pranayamas like kapalbhati, anulom vilom, bhastrika, shhetali, sheetakari and bhramari help in the process. It relieves stress and makes a person more patient.
Heat relieving drinks and fruits
- Consume watermelon
- To cool the head, apply sandalwood paste on the forehead
- Drink rose syrup
- Mango is effective in relieving heat
- Soak almonds, figs, walnuts, dry grapes at night and grind it in the morning and drink juice
- Soak almonds, walnuts at night and consume it in the morning
- Lemonade
- Drink almond thandai
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