News Health What is Anti-Mullerian Hormone? Know the difference between high and low AHM levels in ovaries

What is Anti-Mullerian Hormone? Know the difference between high and low AHM levels in ovaries

Paying attention to hormonal imbalances, or AMH levels, can help address various problems affecting our body, especially fertility and ovarian health among women.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone Image Source : SOCIALKnow the difference between high and low AHM levels in ovaries.

Hormones play a pivotal role in various processes and functions of our body, ranging from metabolism regulation to reproductive and sexual development, stress response, and blood pressure regulation, among others. However, it is a human tendency to take cognizance of any hormone-related issue only when faced with a medical condition. According to the statistics, approximately 80% of women suffer from hormonal imbalances. According to Dr Shilpa Singhal, Consultant, Birla Fertility and IVF, still, many women still perceive it as a natural or usual occurrence. It is important to understand how hormonal imbalance has a significant impact on our bodily functions and processes. One such important hormone is the Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH).

What is the Anti-Mullerian Hormone? 

AMH is a hormone produced by the ovaries' small follicles that helps determine the number of eggs remaining in a woman’s ovarian reserve. Knowing the quantity of eggs helps in planning conception. AMH testing helps women get the required insights about their reproductive health and potential.

Understanding low and high AMH levels 

Low AMH levels can be defined as a low ovarian reserve in women, which indicates that there are fewer eggs left in the ovaries.

Implications of a low AMH level:

• Fertility Concerns: A low AMH level should not be treated as an indication of infertility; however, it does suggest fewer eggs available for fertilization.
• Challenges to fertility treatments: Recently, there has been an increase in the number of women going for fertility treatments like IVF. However, lower AMH levels suggest that fewer eggs would be available for retrieval for such treatments, which lowers the success rate.
• Indication of menopause: Low AMH levels might suggest the beginning of menopause in women, signalling a change in the reproductive health of women.
High AMH levels, on the other hand, are seen as an indicator of conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition where the ovaries produce a type of hormone called androgens that leads to irregular periods and potential fertility challenges.

Implications of a High AMH Level

• PCOS Concerns: A major implication of high AMH levels is concern regarding PCOS, which indicates an imbalance leading to small follicles in the ovaries.
• Hindrance in fertility treatments: High AMH levels heighten the risk of a condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) that tends to decrease the success rate of fertility treatments.
• Health Risks: There is a possibility of high AMH levels while suffering from PCOS, leading to health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart-related problems, and metabolic problems.
Maintaining AMH level

If an optimal AMH level is maintained, then it becomes possible to address concerns regarding ovarian health and fertility. The following measures can be taken to maintain the required AMH level:

• Balanced Diet: Including nutritious and healthy food and avoiding the consumption of processed foods can help in maintaining ovarian health.
• Managing Weight: Both extreme weight loss and gain can lead to hormonal disbalance; therefore, managing weight can help maintain the hormonal balance.
• Stress Management: Stress seriously impacts the AMH levels. Incorporating practices like yoga, meditation, and exercise can help manage stress and, subsequently, AMH levels.
• Regular Health Check-ups: Frequent consultation regarding hormonal health and consistent monitoring can provide useful insights about any imbalance or issue in terms of hormones and ovarian health.

However, regular monitoring and precautions can help maintain optimal AMH levels that further reduce the chances of affecting the fertility or reproductive health of women.