News Health What are the things essential to be in the first aid box?

What are the things essential to be in the first aid box?

The aims of first aid are to preserve life, prevent the worsening of one’s medical condition, promote recovery, and help ensure safe transportation to the nearest healthcare facility.

First Aid Box Image Source : FREEPIKWhat are the things essential to be in the first aid box

First aid is the initial care or attention provided to a victim or a sick person for any accident or sudden sickness before the arrival of an ambulance, a certified paramedic, or a medical person, or before getting to a location that may offer professional medical care. The aims of first aid are to preserve life, prevent the worsening of one’s medical condition, promote recovery, and help ensure safe transportation to the nearest healthcare facility.

Essentials that should always be there in your first aid box are listed below:

1. ADHESIVE BANDAGES- A cut should never be left open because it increases your risk of infection. Adhesive bandages come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so keep both small and large ones on hand.

2. DISPOSABLE GLOVES- When dealing with an open wound, you don't want to risk infection. Rubber gloves will ensure that you can treat the problem without contaminating it.

3. ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION- A simple antiseptic solution can be applied to cuts, grazes, and open wounds to prevent infection.

4. THERMOMETER- A thermometer is a must-have tool for measuring and keeping track of fevers.

5. TWEEZERS- You should always keep two tweezers in your First Aid box to remove foreign objects lodged in the skin. You can also use them to remove ticks in dogs. Always sterilise them before returning them to the box after use. However, use it with caution.

6. COLD PACK- If you are experiencing swelling or skin reactions, and are seeking something cool to help soothe your discomfort, then cold packs are great.

7. ALLERGY MEDICINE- There are many people who are allergic to certain foods, causing them great discomfort. If you or anyone in your family is allergic to any food or anything else, always keep the medicines. 

8. PAIN RELIEVERS- Basic painkillers are important. Don't just keep them in your first aid box, keep them in your everyday bag. Take one until you see your doctor.