Want to gain weight? Swami Ramdev shares yoga tips to gain 10-12 kg in 1 month
While obesity or weight gain is a big problem for many people, there is a large number of people who are stressed about being underweight as well. For those, Swami Ramdev suggests effective yoga tips and home remedies to gain 10-12 Kgs in a month.
As much as everyone wants to be healthy from the core and boost immunity, everyone wants to look impressive and have a charismatic personality as well. According to Swami Ramdev, one can have a charming personality by incorporating yoga into their lifestyle. He claims that yoga not just makes a person fit but also boosts self-esteem which further enhances the confidence in a person. In a special show on India TV, Swami Ramdev suggests yoga tips for those who want to develop their personality naturally. For those who are underweight, he suggests yogasanas that will help gain 10-12 kgs in a month without taking any supplements.
While obesity or weight gain is a big problem for many people, there is a large number of people who are stressed about being underweight as well. For those, Swami Ramdev suggests effective yoga tips and home remedies. Check out-
Pranayama to gain weight
According to Swami Ramdev, everyone should start their day with surya namaskar and the next step should be pranayamas. He suggests doing Kapalbhati, Anulom vilom, Surya Namaskar, Bhastrika, Ujjayi etc. a healthy body
Yogasanas for weight gain
Swami Ramdev claims that yoga is the way to attain a fit body. For weight gain, he suggests doing dand and baithak asanas which are the most effective. Asanas like bhujangasana, dwichakrikasan, sheershasana, sarvangasana, markatasana and shavasana for weight gain.
Home remedies for weight gain
- Eat milk and banana daily in the morning
- Eat mangoes
- Take ashwagandha powder with milk
- Take milk and asparagus
- If you have a problem with taking milk and banana in the morning, banana with curd is also an option.
- Eat 6 bananas in the morning and 6 bananas in the evening.
- Take 5-5 dates in the morning and evening.
- High protein diet is helpful
- Milk, yogurt, buttermilk, soybeans etc. have properties which help in increasing weight
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