Swami Ramdev shares effective tips to cure any allergies with yoga asanas and home remedies
You can cure any kind of allergy with yoga asanas, home remedies and acupressure. Learn from Swami Ramdev some of the easy treatment of allergy.
An allergy is basically a response by the immune system when it comes to the contact with a foreign substance that's not harmful but it is perceived as an outside invader or say potential threat. There are different causes of allergy- mold, plants, foods, pet dander, dust mites, etc. Due to allergy, one can have itchy eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, sore throat, hives, eczema, rashes, etc. According to Swami Ramdev, any kind of allergy can be treated with yoga asanas, home remedies and acupressure points. So, let's begin.
Home Remedies To Treat Allergy
Take a pinch of turmeric, a drop or two of Shilajit along with milk and chaywanprash.
Grate raw turmeric, put it in the milk and heat it. You can also heat haldi in 100 gm of water and then put it in milk. This will cure your allergy.
Have virgin coconut oil in empty stomach.
Roast mulethi, black pepper, clove and mix it with mishri and have it. It will cure your sneezing problem.
Have a kadha made of giloy, ginger, turmeric, tulsi and black pepper.
Tips To Keep Allergy At Bay
Try to use food kept in fridge as less as possible
Don't have food products which are too hot or too cold
Yoga Asanas To Cure Allergy
Bhastrika Pranayam: It is a form of Pranayam that is performed in three ways. The first is inhaling and exhaling the breath at an interval of five seconds. The second type of Bhastrika Pranayam requires inhaling and exhaling of breath at an interval of 2.5 seconds. The third stage is even more difficult as it requires you to inhale and exhale even faster. Do this exercise for two to three minutes every day.
Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar helps in the smooth flow of energy in the body. Do this asana for at least 10 to 15 minutes. It will cure all skin-related allergies.
Dand Baithak: If you are young and suffering from skin allergy then do Dand Baithak for at least five minutes every day.
Jal Neti: This exercise helps you clean your nasal cavity with water. You can also add some rock salt in the water for better results. For this exercise, you need a special utensil.
Mayurasana: This asana will help you get rid of all skin-related allergies as well as stomach issues.
Sutra Neti: This exercise will purify your body. Special treads are easily found in medical stores for this exercise. Avoid performing Sutra Neti if you have epileptic seizures or dizziness.