Swami Ramdev on how Pranayama is different from yoga, its correct method and benefits
In practice, yoga includes many versions, but it is often thought wrongly as a form of “exercise” only whereas Pranayama is aimed at the extension, control and regulation of breathing.
Yoga and pranayama Yoga are often confused with one another. The two terms are not only different linguistically but also different in practice. Pranayama is made up of the words “prana” – the life force and “ayama” – extension or regulation. Pranayama is aimed at the extension, control and regulation of breathing. Yoga means ‘to join’ or ‘to add’. The term is generally a combination between physical, mental and spiritual practices aimed at achieving permanent peace in your mind. In practice, yoga includes many versions, but it is often thought wrongly as a form of “exercise” only whereas Pranayama should be practiced along with those two for comprehensive mental and physical benefits, says Swami Ramdev.
Pranayama and its varied health benefits
Swami Ramdev said that Bhastrika pranayana is the excellent breathing exercise which we can practice slowly or fast as per our convenience. A person who is suffering from a heart problem and lung related issues should practice slowly or slowly increase the speed of breathing.