Suffering from varicose veins? Swami Ramdev shares effective yogasanas to cure it
According to Swami Ramdev, varicose veins are also called varicositis. This problem arises when the veins become large, wide, or are more filled with blood. There are many things in Ayurveda and Yoga that can help get rid of the problem of varicose veins.
By sitting and standing for many hours continuously or bad lifestyle attracts many problems like blood pressure, obesity, and others. They have a direct effect on our veins which further causes hindrance in the proper blood flow in the body. It also results in knots which is known as varicose veins. According to Swami Ramdev, varicose veins are also called varicositis. This problem arises when the veins become large, wide, or are more filled with blood. There are many things in Ayurveda and Yoga that can help get rid of the problem of varicose veins.
Symptoms of varicose veins
- Bunch of blue veins
- Muscle cramps
- Veins twisted like ropes
- Skin itching over varicose veins
- A bunch of blue-colored veins appears on the feet
Yogasanas to get rid of varicose veins
According to Swami Ramdev, mix aloe vera, rejuvenating oil in smooth earthen pot and do yogasanas for about 1 hour.
Surya Namaskar
Effective in treating varicose veins
Increases oxygenation in lungs
The flow of blood remains good throughout the body
Increases energy in the body
Effective in treating varicose veins
Increase eyesight
Strengthen the arms
Brings freshness to face
Effective in treating varicose veins
Increases energy flow in brain
Helpful in preventing aging
Semi halasan
Effective in reducing obesity
Beneficial for varicose treatment
Help to reduce belly fat
Stretches whole body muscles
Helps improve digestion
Increases metabolism
Helps in weight loss
Controls sugar level
Increases flexibility in spine and relieves back pain
Stretches the lungs
Helpful in reducing obesity
Make body beautiful and in shape
Helps get rid of drugs
Help relieve stress and depression
Beneficial in treating varicose veins
Relief from obesity
Reduce belly fat
Keep digestive power good
Strengthen the abdomen, waist and back
Effective in treating varicose veins
Helps in reducing obesity
Benefits to diabetes patients
Increases insulin in pancreas
Stretches the muscles
Maintains strong shoulders and back
Sukshma Vyayamas
Those who are unable to walk at all, then do sukshma vyayamas
Beneficial in many types of pain
Helps increase energy
Makes body active
Remedies effective for varicose veins
- Take 1 tablet of Arogya Vati and Rejuvenation Vati on an empty stomach.
- Eat cow milk extracts on an empty stomach.
- Giloy is beneficial
- Consume apple cider vinegar, massage with olive oil.
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