Partner Yoga | Swami Ramdev shares yoga asanas, pranayamas and its benefits
Swami Ramdev claims that yoga is the most effective way through which one can bring happiness and fitness in the life. He suggests doing partner yoga which brings the loved ones closer, especially during this hard time.
At present, the entire country is battling the coronavirus. It is affecting everyone, both physically and mentally. At this time, people are not just facing diseases but are constantly under stress and tension. Swami Ramdev claims that yoga is the most effective way through which one can bring happiness and fitness in the life. He suggests doing partner yoga which brings the loved ones closer, especially during this hard time. Swami Ramdev says trust, selflessness, respect and sacrifice are the four pillars of any relationship and one should make them stronger by each passing day. On the other hand, he suggests doing yoga asanas with your partner as it spreads positivity makes everyone healthier.
Partner Yoga Asanas
1. Koundinyasana
2. Purna Shalabhasana
3. Paschimottanasana
4. Balasana
5. Purna Dhanurasana
6. Shavasana
7. Ustrasana
8. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
9. Dandasana
10. Chakrasana
Benefits of Partner Yoga
Makes you completely compatible with each other.
Encourages strength in relationships.
Health remains good.
Helps build trust between partners.
Doing yoga with a partner provides motivation.
Anulom Vilom: Digestive system gets strong. Stress and anxiety stay away.
Kapalbhati: The body becomes healthy. Ensures proper blood circulation in the body. Self-confidence grows.
Bhastrika: Effective in weight loss. Helps get rid of respiratory problems. Controls sugar, blood pressure levels
Bhramari: Strengthens immunity. Helps to get out of depression. Cures asthma disease.
Swami Ramdev also explains how aloe vera laddus can be made at home. It has many benefits. It keeps your heart healthy. Also, patients with diabetes and acidity can eat it easily.
How to make aloe vera laddus at home?
Fresh green aloe vera gel- 1 cup
Powdered sugar - 1 cup
Ghee - 1 cup
Wheat flour - 2 cups
Gram flour - 1 cup
Finely chopped almonds-cashew nut-2 cups
Put 200 grams of aloe vera gel in 200 grams of ghee (cut the leaves and take out the aloe vera gel beforehand). Then cook it for half an hour. Then add wheat flour and gram flour. Add 100 grams of sugar. Add finely chopped almonds, cashews and walnuts at the last. make laddoo balls out of them and they are ready.
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