News Health Paneer vs tofu: What are the similarities and differences; know what to choose for weight loss

Paneer vs tofu: What are the similarities and differences; know what to choose for weight loss

Paneer and tofu are often confused with each other. Know what are the similarities and differences between them and which one should you choose for weight loss/gain.

Paneer Vs Tofu Image Source : TWITTER/@CHEESEDOTCOMPaneer Vs Tofu

Paneer and tofu not only taste delicious but also have many health benefits. They are rich in iron, protein, and calcium. While paneer is made of goat or cow milk, tofu is a product of soy milk. The latter is preferred by those who want to consume more iron in their diet. By the looks, both have several similarities like they are white, soft, and mild in taste, but vary in their nutrient quantity. Listed below are some differences between paneer and tofu.

Differences between tofu and paneer

Paneer has its origin from India whereas tofu is from China. Both taste similar but have many differences. Very first is that paneer is animal-based and tofu is plant-based. People prefer tofu for benefits like weight loss as it carries low calories, and has low-fat content. An additional advantage is that it is easily digestible and full of nutrition and can be consumed by people who are dairy intolerant. Paneer, on the other hand, is rich in high-fat content as it is derived from cow milk. Since it is made from fresh milk it is perishable. Whereas, in the case of tofu it can last for a longer duration. 


Paneer is a better source of calcium than tofu. It helps people in gaining bone strength and makes them stronger. 

Fat and calorie count

Paneer is much ahead of tofu when it comes to fat content. the former helps in gaining weight and is suggested to everyone who wants to put on some kilos. As paneer is high in fat content it is not recommended for those who are aiming for weight loss. Instead, a person who wants to go on a weight loss journey is recommended to choose tofu as it is a perfect replacement for paneer. 


Both the products are derived out of the milk, in this race tofu is ahead of panner. As it has double the amount of carbohydrate as paneer. 


Protein content is higher in paneer than in tofu. Paneer helps in building muscles and many gym trainers suggest going for it for a weight training regime if you are a vegetarian.