News Health Is drinking lemon water on an empty stomach safe for everyone? Know in details

Is drinking lemon water on an empty stomach safe for everyone? Know in details

Lemon water is beneficial for health, but it can also harm some people. Especially drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can cause many problems. Know which people should not eat lemon.

lemon water on empty stomach Image Source : FREEPIKKnow who should avoid lemon water on an empty stomach.

Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C, is considered beneficial for health. Drinking lemon water daily in the summer is beneficial. Lemon is considered effective for weight loss to boosting immunity. It is advisable to drink lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning for weight loss, but lemon doesn't need to suit everyone. Lemon can harm some people instead of benefiting them. Especially lemon water on an empty stomach does not suit many people. It causes stomach problems. Know which people should not eat lemon and what can be the disadvantages of eating lemon on an empty stomach.

Who should not eat lemon?

People who have acidity problems should not consume lemon in excess. People who have sensitivity related to teeth should not consume lemon. If you have kidney disease then eat less lemon. Apart from this, excessive consumption of lemon can also be dangerous for bones.

Disadvantages of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach

Acidity increases- If you consume lemon on an empty stomach, then the problem of acidity can increase. Such people should avoid drinking lemon water on an empty stomach. Lemon contains more citric acid, which increases acidity. Especially drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can harm acidity patients.

Damage to teeth- People who drink lemon water every day may have dental problems. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach has a bad effect on health. The main reason for this is the acid found in lemon. This increases sensitivity in the teeth. This also weakens the enamel which protects the teeth.

Bones can become weak- People who consume a lot of lemon every day are likely to suffer more losses than benefits. Lemon contains acid which is not good for bones. Therefore, one should avoid drinking lemon water on an empty stomach.

Effect on kidneys- People who have kidney problems should not drink lemon water on an empty stomach. This puts pressure on the kidneys, which can cause many health problems. Lemon water should also not be drunk in chronic kidney disease.

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