Take amla and spinach juice in your diet for healthy eyesight
Dietary habits have a huge role to play in one's health and well-being. Poor diet and lifestyle choices can also adversely affect one's eyesight. Here are some vegetable juices that you can include in your diet for healthy eyesight.
In today's fast-paced life, we tend to ignore our eye health. These days it is common to have eye pain due to our hectic lifestyle, careless food habits, constant and excessive use of mobile, TV and laptops. Our exposure to screen is very high. It has a great effect on the eyes, due to which the eyesight starts becoming weak. In such a situation, even if we don't wish to, it becomes necessary to wear glasses. At the same time, children these days are spending more time on mobile and video games than playing outdoors. This leads to poor eyesight among children at young age.
Dietary habits have a huge role to play in one's health and well-being. Poor diet and lifestyle choices can also adversely affect one's eyesight. An overall balanced diet rich in pigments, found in green leafy vegetables, orange and yellow peppers is recommended as they contain carotenoids and antioxidants that keep the macula healthy.
You can add these juices in your diet to keep your eyesight healthy:
Carrot juice
Carrot juice is considered very beneficial for eyesight. Carrots contain vitamin A which is very important for eyesight. If you want, you can also mix tomato juice with carrot juice.
Spinach juice
Green leafy vegetables also help in keeping your eyesight strong. Green leafy vegetables are not only beneficial for the eyes but also for health. Especially spinach juice is very healthy. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese and iron.
Amla juice
Amla juice is a very healthy option. Amla contains Vitamin C which is beneficial for the eyes. You can use amla in any way. If you want, you can also eat raw amla. You can also make amla jam or candy.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice.