News Health Health Horoscope 2023: Know best way to lead healthy and fit life according to your zodiac signs

Health Horoscope 2023: Know best way to lead healthy and fit life according to your zodiac signs

Health Horoscope 2023: Know how astrological events can impact your health this year.

Health Horoscope 2023 Image Source : FREEPIKHealth Horoscope 2023

Health care is not one size fits all. Every individual is different and so is their fitness journey. In 2023, you can be at your best strength ever by following these simple yet effective health regimes tailored for you as per your zodiac sign. 

1. Aries

Passionate and multi-talented, Aries have a hyperactive mind keeping them awake late at night. This year, Arians should focus on having a fixed sleeping schedule of 7-8 hours to stave off hypertension, stress, and anxiety and sharpen memory. 

2. Taurus 

The kind and grounded Taureans can be the lazy zodiac sign. Given their tendency to lose motivation midway, the best health regime for them should be to work out in a group. An accountability partner or gym buddy will help them keep on track. 

3. Gemini 

The social butterfly of the group has a bunch of friends, hundred interests, and a super busy lifestyle, leaving less time for hydration. In 2023, their focus should be to drink 3-3.5 liters of water a day. 

4. Cancer 

Ruled by the full moon, Cancerians are known for their round bodies and faces. As they are likely to gain unhealthy weight easily, following a nutritive diet plan should be their way to maintain long-term health. 

5. Leo 

The people of this zodiac sign are creative and charming. Plus, their love for being the center of attention makes dancing the best health regime. Efficient in enhancing your stamina, balance, and coordination, it also gives you a toned shape.  

6. Virgo 

Virgos are not the ones to sit at home. They keep themselves indulged in some kind of physical activity. Their health regime in 2023 should be to include protein with every meal to repair the muscle fibers after workouts. 

7. Libra 

The zodiac of balance should attempt to find the same in their health as well. For this, practicing yoga is the best antidote. It releases tension and stress from your body, helping you reach a calm, serene and healthy state. 

8. Scorpio

Embodying transformation, Scorpions feel this intense connection with strength and power. And, implying weight training in their daily routine does exactly that. Not only is it great for building muscles, but also facilitates your mental health. 

9. Sagittarius

Being the most adventurous sign of the zodiac, they love to learn and explore. In 2023, they should advance their steps toward meditation and sound therapy. It stimulates better mental health, reflecting itself in your physical health.

10. Capricorn

Their work schedule is insane and they can't control their taste buds. While following a meal plan is a must, Capricorns should also try new ab and cardio routine to shed off the extra unhealthy fat.

11. Aquarius

Highly intellectual and analytical, Aquarians spend most of their time looking at the screen and learning something. So much screen time is fatal for eye health. Thus, this year they should follow the 20-20-20 rule of looking 20 feet away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. 

12. Pisces

This mystical and sensitive water sign of the zodiac has a natural affinity toward spirituality. Combining their health regime with spirituality will be highly rewarding. They will enjoy practices like pranayama, hot yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy. 


(This article is attributed to Mr. Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Astro and Numro Consultant & Founder, Numrovani)

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not reflect the views of India TV)


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