Get rid of monsoon related diseases with Swami Ramdev's yoga asanas and ayurvedic cures
Strengthening immunity is the first step towards fighting any kind of disease, be it cold, cough, fever or the novel coronavirus. According to Swami Ramdev, practicing yoga asanas daily can strengthen your body and make it capable of battling diseases.
The rainy season has kicked in and so have many diseases. While everyone loves the rain, it brings along cold, cough, fever and other diseases. It is very important to take care of your health, especially during the COVID19 pandemic as carelessness can turn hazardous. It can not only prove to be dangerous for you but your family as well. Strengthening immunity is the first step towards fighting any kind of disease, be it cold, cough, fever or the novel coronavirus. According to Swami Ramdev, practicing yoga asanas daily can strengthen your body and make it capable of battling diseases.
Yoga asanas to fight diseases-
- Bhujangasana: Improves the immune system.
- Uttanapadasana: Removes the problem of gas and constipation.
- Markatasan: Relieves joint pain, cures cervical and abdominal pain. It is beneficial for back pain. The kidneys, pancreas and liver also become better with this asana
- Halasan: Relieve headache, helps improve digestion, controls the sugar level. Also, it relieves stress and anxiety.
- Mandukasana: Beneficial for stomach and heart. Prevents diabetes and eliminates constipation and gas problems. It also improves the digestive system, cures liver and kidney diseases
- Vakrasana: Makes the spine flexible. Fixes nervous system. Increases lung capacity.
- Gomukhasana: Gives power to fight against diseases. Keeps liver and kidney healthy. Keeps back and arms strong. Removes fatigue, stress and anxiety. It is beneficial in asthma.
People who have recovered from coronavirus must do pranayamas. With this, they can increase their immunity:
Swami Ramdev suggests doing, anulom vilom, kapalbhati, bhramari, bhastrika, sheetali, agnisar, udgith and ujjayi pranayamas. They help in making the lungs strong. Increase immunity and helps to get out of depression. Effective for weight loss as well.
How to make a decoction to increase immunity
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- Black pepper powder
- 2 pinch fennel seeds
- 5-6 raisins
- 5-6 leaves of basil and honey
- Boil all these for 2-3 minutes
- Immunity decoction is ready. Drink this daily
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