News Health Four nutrition tips by nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi that help prevent diseases

Four nutrition tips by nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi that help prevent diseases

No matter what you eat, vegetables are like the 'Suraksha Kawach' against diseases. Know four nutrition tips by nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi that will help you prevent diseases.

Four nutrition tips by nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi Image Source : FREEPIKFour nutrition tips by nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi

National Nutrition Week: The root cause of almost all diseases is inflammation. Just these four nutrition tips can drastically reduce inflammation levels, risk of lifestyle diseases and cancer, says Rachna Chhachhi, Nutritional therapist, cancer nutrition and metastasis expert. “I am currently penning down my fifth book, in each one of my books, I have shared clinical causes of inflammation,” says Chhachhi, who was herself struck by rheumatoid arthritis in 2006, an autoimmune condition incurable in medical science. She healed herself 15 years ago and began her clinical nutrition practice across 27 countries. 

If you just do these things daily, diseases won’t be able to touch you, Chhachhi claims. Her four tips are as below:

50% is vegetables- No matter what you eat, vegetables are like the 'Suraksha Kawach' against diseases. In breakfast, mix your kanda poha or omelette with loads of chopped greens. At lunch and dinner, have a small portion of carbohydrates, a small serving of protein, a large portion of vegetables and big serving of salad with olive oil or crushed almonds. This combination of more vegetables and good fat is the most anti-inflammatory nutrition blend. “It flushes out toxins, heals your gut and makes the liver efficient,” says Chhachhi, who has high clinical success in treating chronic diabetes, obesity and cancer cases.

Focus on emotional nutrition- Nutrition is not just physical. What we put into our mind is as healing or damaging as what we put into our body, advises Chhachhi, who is also a certified Yoga teacher and incorporates breathwork as a key element to heal her patients. Balanced emotional nutrition is to keep movement up and breath unhurried. If you don’t have time for a walk or gym, walk to earn your meals. 10 minutes before each meal gives you 30 minutes of walking. Then, on waking up in the morning and just before dinner, just 10 counts of deep slow breathing brings down pulse rate and makes the heart healthy. 

Keep it small- Being healthy also means you can enjoy the yummy things in life. But keep the quantities small. Small portions of excesses with lots of veggies and salad flush out excesses very quickly from the body. So once a week, enjoy a guilt free cheat meal. You deserve it!

Drink water- It’s the most nutritious drink! Our body is 70% water, hydrating ourselves every few hours rather than drinking a litre of water at one go keeps circulation up, releases bad lipids, excess fat, excess sugar from the body and digestion healthy. Many people only have one bowel movement, this is because of less water. We all need 2-3 movements to flush toxins daily. Frequent headaches are a sign of dehydrated brain cells. 250 ML water, every 90 minutes of waking hours, ensures you release fat, keep BMR up, lose weight, liver healthy and brain cells calm and alert.

Try the above to see a lighter, calmer, healthier you. It’s clinically evidenced.