EXCLUSIVE: Yoga and home remedies to stay active and young forever as suggested by Swami Ramdev
Practicing a few yoga asanas can prevent the effects of increasing age and make you look young for longer. Not only this, but you will always be full of energy if these exercises are performed daily. Swami Ramdev lists out the yoga asanas for your rescue.
There is no person in the world who does not want to remain young forever. But nowadays due to poor lifestyle and food, people start facing problems like white hair, freckles, short-sightedness in eyes and that too at a very young age. These are the few reasons why you start looking old before your age. In such a situation, yoga can prove to be very beneficial for you. Yoga is the only way by which you can be healthy and get peace of mind. According to yoga guru Swami Ramdev, there are a few yoga asanas that can prevent the effects of aging and make you look younger for a longer period of time. Not only this, he says that performing Pranayam daily can also prove beneficial.
Check out the yoga poses listed out by Swami Ramdev:
Surya Namaskar- This pranayama is considered to be the best. By doing this asana, the problem of hair fall will resolve and you will always get youthful skin. Do this asana regularly for at least 5 minutes.
Anulom Vilom- By doing this pranayama, pure oxygen goes into the body. Along with this, it is very beneficial for the lungs, heart, etc.
Kapalbhati- This pranayama should be done by taking slow breaths. By doing this Yogasan your whole body will remain healthy.
Bhramari- By doing this pranayama, your mind will get peace and you will always be relaxed.
Bhastrika- By doing Bhastrika, the level of oxygen in the body increases. Performing this pranayama daily is considered good for hypertension, asthma, heart disease, TV, tumors, BP, liver cirrhosis, sinus, any kind of energy, and lungs.
Yoga to look young always:
Sheershasana- Do this asana for 5 minutes. This will help in keeping the eyes healthy while getting rid of freckles.
Sarvangasana - If you are not able to do a headstand, then you can do this asana. By doing this, you will always be healthy along with the thyroid.
Halasana- By doing this asana, the body will be full of energy throughout the day. With this, you will get rid of every skin problem.
Brahmacharya Asana - This removes wrinkles. Apart from this, along with reducing stress, it also develops intelligence.
Mandukasan- By doing this asana, the digestive system remains fine as well as relieves constipation, acidity. Which will keep your stomach perfect throughout the day.
Home remedies to look younger in old age:
- Drink Amla and Aloe Vera juice daily.
- Eat Giloy in the form of some decoction or juice.
- Eat ashwagandha leaves, powder, or capsules.
- Drink coconut water
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