News Health Enjoy the royalness of the raw mangoes after knowing its 10 benefits

Enjoy the royalness of the raw mangoes after knowing its 10 benefits

King of fruits, Mango is an all-time favorite of everyone during the summer season. It has many health benefits, from improvement in the hormone system to reducing the risk of cancer. It also helps one’s body to protect from heat waves and heat strokes during the harsh summers as well.

Raw mangoes Image Source : TWITTER/@HPNADIGRaw mangoes

Summer heat can take a toll on a person’s health. Even if you are fully hydrated, there are chances that the heatwave can affect your health. Just to avoid a bad impact on your body during summertime, it is suggested to eat raw mango. As summer is the season of mangoes, people are looking forward to eating this 'King of Fruits' before and after every meal. The season begins with raw mangoes ruling the markets everywhere. Other than serving as tasty pickles, raw mango tends to have many health benefits as well. 

Many people love to enjoy this seasonal fruit in different forms. Delicacies like Aam Panna, Raw Mango Pachadi, Raw Mango Rice, Dal with Raw Mango, and Raw Mango Salad are some of the most common summer treats. Additionally, they are packed with vitamins, minerals, water, and fats,
Here are some health benefits of raw mango which will help you in beating the summer heat.

Helps in dealing with intense heat - If you will consume raw mango regularly, it will help you in beating the summer heat as it is rich in vitamin A and vitamin E and, vitamin C. Also, it hydrates the body by minimising the loss of sodium chloride and iron from the body.
It helps in boosting body's immunity - Raw mango consists of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties along with vitamin C. All these things help in boosting the body’s immunity and help fight the summer problems.

Solves digestive problems - If you quench your thirst with aam panna this season, it will help you in taking care of your stomach disorders, like constipation, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhoea.
Protects from heart problems - Raw mango consists of a unique antioxidant called mangiferin, which balances cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and fatty acids, which are known to cause heart problems. If you eat raw mango it will improve your liver health and boost your cardiovascular health, along with flushing out the toxins.
Reduces the risk of cancer - Raw mango has polyphenol which a strong antioxidant. It helps in reducing the risk of cancer as it reduces inflammation and blocks the chain of cancer cell. 
Promotes skin health - Intake of raw mango helps in skin improvement which leaves a glow on the skin. It cures the skin problems like dryness, pimple, acne, and pigment spots. 
Promotes dental health - It helps avoid dental problems as well. Raw mangoes have vitamin C which helps the teeth and gums to prevent problems like gum bleeding, toothache, etc.

Helps in vision comfort - It also enhances vision as it has vitamin A and flavonoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin that helps in vision improvement.

Fewer chances of any blood disorders -  As raw mango is rich in vitamin C, it helps in increasing the elasticity of the blood vessels, as a result, it boosts the formation of new blood cells. 

Takes care of the hormone system - Raw mango has vitamin A and E which help the body to improve its hormonal health.