News Health Eating handful of makhana daily will make bones stronger; know other health benefits

Eating handful of makhana daily will make bones stronger; know other health benefits

Makhan is a well-known and recommended snack option for people who are trying to lose weight. However, makahna has several benefits. Most importantly, eating a handful of makhana makes your bones stronger. Know about other health benefits.

Eating handful of makhana daily will make bones stronger Image Source : FILE IMAGEEating a handful of makhana daily will make bones stronger.

Nutrient-rich makhana is extremely beneficial for our health. It is rich in fibre, protein, phosphorus, iron and calcium. This simple-looking superfood can keep you away from many serious diseases. Makhana is rich in calcium which is beneficial for your bones. It also contains magnesium in large quantities which improves blood flow and oxygen levels. Let us tell you how much nutrient is there in 100 grams of makhana and what are the benefits to your health by consuming it.

So many nutrients are found in 100 grams of lotus seeds

Protein – 9.7 grams
Fibre - 14.5 grams
Calories - 347
Calcium - 60 mg
Iron - 1.4 mg
Carbohydrates - 76.9 grams

Bones become stronger by consuming makhana: 

Calcium is very important for our bones and teeth. If there is a lack of calcium in the diet, the bones start weakening. Due to this the possibility of fracture and arthritis increases. In such a situation, Makhana is an excellent option to fulfil this deficiency. Makhana is rich in calcium and fulfils the calcium deficiency in the body. Frying Makhana in ghee and consuming it daily strengthens weak bones.

Eating makhana gives these other health benefits: 

  • Beneficial for kidneys: The low amount of phosphorus present in makhana is beneficial for people suffering from kidney problems. People suffering from kidney problems can consume it. It also helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
  • Makes the heart healthy: Makhana improves blood flow and oxygen levels. Due to this, the chances of heart-related diseases are reduced. In such a situation, eat a handful of makhana every day to fulfil the magnesium needs of your body. 
  • The body gets hydrated: Lotus seeds help your body to stay hydrated and maintain water content.

How to consume makhana? 

You can consume makhana either raw or roasted. If you consume it roasted in ghee, it will strengthen your bones. You can also use it in the form of raita, or bhel. You can consume it for breakfast in the morning and evening.

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