Try these easiest 15-minute workout plans to get fitter without gym
During such tough times of the pandemic when one needs to maintain social distancing, practice these few simple 15-minute ways at home to get fitter without stepping out of your house.
Gone are the days when people had time to wait for things to happen to them be it earning a lot of money or even achieving health goals. Fitness and weight loss are somethings which everyone would want to have as quickly as possible. However, investing time in a long-term diet and an hour-long workout plan is not possible for most of the people. But as per experts, these are the only ways to take the healthy route. Therefore, here we are with very simple 15-minute activities that will burn an unexpected amount of calories and will up your fitness game. These forms of workouts can also be easily done while maintaining social distancing or even stepping out.
Cycling on the spot
Most of the people often buy gym equipments but fail to use it regularly. So, if you are one of them then now is the time to make good use of the exercise cycle at home. Pedal it for 15 minutes and see the results. It may help you burn upto 115 to 185 calories.
Choose the stairs
If you stay in a high-rise building or even have stairs at home then use them for a totally different purpose this time. Try moving up and down the steps for 15 minutes. It may seem a bit tiring for a first few days but you’ll get use to it quite soon. Also, this form of exercise will help you get rid of 1.5 calories per stair climbed.
Dance your fat off
If you enjoy dancing then this is by far one of the most enjoyable activities to lose weight for you. Turn the volume of your music system and dance your heart out for atleast 15 minutes. This will help you burn around 90 to 100 calories.
Spot jogging
Usually, jogging may sound quite boring but, a different form of this workout may not seem tiring. Yes, try jogging on the spot, you can even do it during the never-ending commercial breaks while in the middle of your favourite TV show. This may help you shed 45 calories or more.
For all those who have been running away from performing household chores, just grab a vacuum cleaner and start cleaning your house up. Yes, just 15 minutes of vacuum cleaning can help you burn almost 100 calories.