News Health Don't let exam stress affect your health; here are few tips you must follow to deal with it

Don't let exam stress affect your health; here are few tips you must follow to deal with it

Exam stress can take a big toll on both your physical and mental well-being, and it’s affecting a greater number of students at alarming rates. Here are some tips to follow to beat exam stress. Read to know.

Health news Image Source : FREEPIKTips to follow to deal beat exam stress

Exam time comes with a lot of stress and anxiety and takes a big toll on the mental health of students. While some students are able to pass through studying and their exams without breaking a sweat, there are others who find their hearts racing and hands shaking throughout their student life. Irrespective of age, exam pressure brings fear and anxiety to everyone in its vicinity. As it is rightfully said, “Stress and exam are directly proportional to each other.” So, it becomes highly important for kids to eat properly.

Here are a few tips you must follow to beat exam stress

1. Dont skip meals

It is very important to eat properly. Skipping meals is very unhealthy generally as well. But during exam times, skipping meals can lead to illness, irritability and low energy. Therefore, it's important to eat all your meals and eat them on time. You should time your meals around your study schedule and make sure you eat foods that help you stay energized.

2. Rejuvenate

Spending a few minutes of the day to de-stress yourself might help you feel relaxed and clear your mind to focus on the syllabus later. Try to engage in some blood-pumping adrenaline rush activities like power yoga, some sports, jog as these activities help relieve your stress level. Might want to watch a nice podcast or a comedy movie considering a hearty laugh increase circulation and helps muscular relaxation.

3. Eat more vegetables

Don’t underestimate the power of a simple vegetable! Vegetables are loaded with several nutrients that can benefit you in more ways than one. So, the dietician urges kids to include all types of vegetables in their diet. However, you should try to include more non-starchy vegetables and try to avoid potatoes.

4. Get enough sleep

Nothing feels worse than sweaty palms and droopy eyes. During exam period, it’s critical that you get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can decrease energy levels, make you irritable and diminish your concentration. Getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night will recharge your body and decrease your anxiety.

5. Enjoy some music

Some people enjoy studying with music, it actually has many benefits! Ambient, instrumental or classical music can help you concentrate better, and the good news is that there are countless playlists on Spotify and YouTube created especially for study sessions.

(Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any regime or medical advice.)


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