News Health Diabetes: finger licking breakfast ideas to control blood sugar level in summer

Diabetes: finger licking breakfast ideas to control blood sugar level in summer

The right combination of food groups in the breakfast can help manage glucose levels for people with diabetes. Here are some amazing breakfast ideas for diabetics.

breakfast ideas to control blood sugar level in summer Image Source : FREEPIKBreakfast ideas to control blood sugar level in summer

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It becomes more so for diabetics who have to keep the blood sugar levels on an even keel. A wholesome breakfast ensures high energy levels throughout the day. It stops you from binging on calorie-rich junk food mid-morning. Even if you wake up with high sugar levels, do not skip breakfast. These days, foods that have a low glycemic index are a good option.

Diabetes is a condition that results in elevated blood sugar levels (also called high blood glucose or high blood sugar). The sugar spike is due to an impaired insulin hormone, that triggers abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and leads to a subsequent hike in sugar levels.

Diabetic-friendly breakfast options

1. Moong Dal or Besan Chila

Methi and Besan chila are high-protein snacks that you can consider for breakfast. Protein takes the longest to digest therefore regulating your blood sugar levels effectively.

2. Red poha with veggies

Red rice poha with vegetables is not just light on the tummy but also makes for a fiber-rich snack for people with Diabetes. High fiber keeps you full for longer, thereby preventing you to binge on other sugary or salty foods later.

3. Methi Paratha

Rotis stuffed with high-fiber methi makes for an excellent high-fibre and High GI breakfast option that you must include in your diet. Make sure you use vegetable oil to make your Parathas and not the bad quality refined oils available in the market.

4. Smoothies

Nothing beats smoothies when it comes to easy-peasy, filling breakfasts. Blend your favourite fruits like banana or strawberries, low-fat yoghurt, some oats with nuts and some ice. For the adventurous, there are whole lots of flavours like ginger and cinnamon that can be added. This is your quickest, healthiest breakfast that can be had on the go.

5. Dosa

While dosa is considered a light breakfast, you can make yours with oats, ragi or green moong dal to reduce the starch content. Add lots of vegetables as filling and eat with chutneys of your choice.


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